Broadus Bowhunter Ed Class Will be Held in July

By Jeff Noble

The 2021 Bowhunter Education Class for first-time Montana youth and adult bowhunters will be offered in Broadus on the following dates:

SATURDAY, July 24, 2021: from 12:00 to 7:00 pm; and

SUNDAY, July 25, 2021: from 12:00 to 7:00 pm.

Attendance on both days is required. Youths need to bring a parent with them on the first day, to sign permission slips (which are available at the FWP website). Also, everyone is required to register online in advance, at the FWP hunter education website.

The course will take place at Jeff Noble’s office at the Courthouse in Broadus. Everyone is welcome, and the class is free of charge.

All new bowhunters are encouraged to complete this course before purchasing a license to hunt big game in future archery-only seasons (unless you have previously received a Montana Bow and Arrow hunting license, or completed a similar course approved by the FWP).

For more information (and to let the instructors know how many people to expect for the class) please contact:

Jeff Noble at 436-2365 or 853-3153, or Shawn Wahl at 436-2393.

PLEASE CALL JEFF BY MONDAY, July 12th, TO INDICATE THAT YOU ARE PLANNING TO TAKE THE CLASS. Also, if less than three (3) persons register for the class, the instructors may cancel this class due to a lack of interest.

You should also pick up your class book from Jeff by July 12th, so that you can review it in advance. (Please see the FWP website for additional sign up information and materials).

Bringing a bow to the class is not required, but is recommended for the field day session on Sunday. See you there!


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