Voices from the Past

From the Examiner Files

June 17, 1921

Runaway was supposed; and aid rushed to scene

Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Rachel Yarger from the W Bar Ranch phoned the Broadus Mercantile Company that she had just observed the Brodston team and wagon pass that place without a driver. It was known that Mrs. John Brodston had been to Broadus and had left here on the return trip. It was feared she had been the victim of a runaway accident. Ray Bartholomew and Bud Serruys in the former’s car started up the Powder River Road to render assistance. A few minutes after their departure, however, a second message was received from Mrs. Yarger that Mrs. Brodston was safe and had not been injured. She had been temporarily hidden from view when she was arranging something about the wagon.

June 14, 1946

Broadus saw first carnival in town

For the first time in the history of the town of Broadus, a carnival played in town on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The Stark Amusement Company moved in their carnival company on trucks Sunday afternoon onto the lots owned by the Farmers Union Oil Company, across from the hotel and by Monday afternoon the carnival was set up and ready for the opening on Monday night. A merry-go-round and an airplane ride were great favorites with the youngsters. Eight concessions at which customers could win merchandise were given a big play during the evenings.

June 17, 1971

Local VFW members at convention

Commander and president of the local VFW post and auxiliary, Lloyd and Betty Carter of Coalwood, attended the state convention in Billings from June 10 through 12 held at the Northern Hotel. General assemblies and business sessions were the principle programs on the agenda.

National Commander Herbert “Chief” Rainwater was present as was national conductress Betty Butler who represented the national president, Mary Cottone. John Mahan, former department commander, and now a member of the subversive committee was also present. The speakers all offered some very informative and interesting information.

Draping of the charter for deceased members, memorial services, election of officers and installation ceremonies were all conducted and were impressive presentations. Jean Coyne of Butte was installed as Department President of the auxiliaries. She replaces Genevieve Gray of Miles City. Dean Nefzger of Circle was installed as Department Commander of the VFW posts. Helena was chosen as the site of the 1972 convention which is scheduled for next June.

Mr. and Mrs. Filmore Canon, members of the local post and auxiliary, also attended from Broadus.

June 13, 1996

Let’er Buck roping summer series results

By Corrine Schaffer

June 7 was the first night of six nights of roping and barrel racing. Here are the results of each division.

Barrels, $750 Novice, four entries: first, Dixie Schaffer, 19.36 and Ashley Williams, second, 19.49.

Barrels, 0-6 age group, five entries: first, Witt Williams, 29.84 and K.T. Schaffer, second, 36.30.

Barrels, 7-12 age group, eight entries: Amber Smith, first, 19.63; Jessica Schaffer, second, 23.52 and Brady Williams, third, 24.80.

Barrels, 13-16 age group, two entries: Nancy Turnbough, first, 20.81.

Roping Drawpot: fast go in first round went to Kyle Langley and Derrick Fleming with a 4.30 and Philip and Derrick Fleming, second with a 5.67.

Average on three head: first, Roy Vavra and Guy Howell, 16.83; second, Bud Williams and Guy Howell, 16.94; third, Darold Wolff and Derrick Fleming, 20.27; fourth, Bud Williams and Jim Shem abakken, 20.62; fifth, Jay Thrush and Zane Williams, 24.24 and sixth, Pat Daily and Kenny Dague, 25.06.

Number II Incentive Roping: fast go in the first round went to Kyle Langley and Kenny Dague with a 5.31.

Average on three head: first, Roy Vavra and Brett Fleming, 14.33; second, Kyle Langley and Jim Shemabakken, 16.36; third, Arnie Mader and Kenny Dague, 20.41 and fourth, Arnie Mader and Zach Mader, 28.72.

The next roping and barrel race is June 21.


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