Third Graders Learn About Their Environment at 28th Annual Kid's Conservation Field Day

By Liz Riter

The 28th Annual Kid's Conservation Field Day was held on May 20 at the Little Powder Bridge.

A field day was not able to be held last year, so 3rd and 4th Graders were invited to this fun educational session. There were ten stations for the kids to learn about conservation. The stations include viewing animal prints made by Gene Smith, Powder River Conservation Board Chairman, and Jessica Beagles, then the students got to make their own hand or footprints. Shanna Talcott, District Conservationist Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), had a presentation about water quality using water from the Powder River, Little Powder River, and Broadus water. Corey Swenson, NRCS Range Management Specialist, educated the kids on the difference between grasses, forbs, and shrubs.

Elizabeth Emeline, American Bird Conservancy (ABC), gave the students booklets which can help identify different birds in the area and they made bird feeders from toilet rolls, peanut butter, and bird seed. She also taught them about pollinators and their importance in food production.

Ryan DeVore, Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Biologist showed the students different animals' furs, antlers, horns, and skulls.

Nate Hudson and Quinn Lively, NRCS Miles City Field Office, taught the students all about the creatures who live in the soil and had worm races. Mark Henning, NRCS Area Agronomist, talked about how tilling the soil disrupts the environment below the surface of the soil and how to keep soil healthy.

Nate Bumgardner, NRCS Prairie County Field Office, had a Ground Water Flow Presentation showing what happens if ground water is contaminated with offensive materials.

Jennie Olson, Olson Spraying, played a game with the students to learn about noxious weeds and how easily they spread.

This field day is sponsored by Powder River Conservation District and coordinated by Liz Riter. What a fun, informative day!

Broadus Third Grade students include Carter D'Amico, Aria Gatlin, Anna Hagedorn, Sutton Hodge, Raegan Klemm, Courtney Kuhbacher, Macey Madsen, Pruitt McDowell, Isaac McMullan, Kinzie Randall, Scarlett Talcott, Ilea Wahl, and Given Hopkins. 4th Grade students are Karlee Emmons, Reece Emmons, Thorin Hansen, Addison Harper, Kacyn Hinman, Kimber Hodge, Tyler Jurica, Delaney Ruland, and Sammie Three Fingers-Hart.


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