Steps for Charity

Week 6

How to WALK more:

“WALKing the Powder River Trails Fit Trail and WALKing with Bea,” explained Marge Mader

“Picking up trash; Trailing pairs to pasture,” Mary Rumph

“Calving and getting ready for shearing” – Boot & Tackle Club

“WALKing with my family and letting my 3-year old lead the way,” Elizabeth Reierson

The charities highlighted this week are:

A Case of the Winey Women chose St Vincent De Paul Thrift Store in Broadus. Members include Cynde Gatlin, Nancy Gaskill, Tracey Gorder and Wendy Twedt, the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office crew! They chose St. Vincent’s because they like how much St. Vincent’s gives back to the community.

The CornerStore team sponsored by the CornerStore includes Julie Russell, Heather LaPlant, Shirley Russell and Diane Engel. They chose St. Jude’s Children’s Cancer Research Fund because the organization does important work and needs the money for vital research.

6 STEPS to Make WALKing More Mindful

1. Note the physical sensations of walking:

As you WALK, feel the sensation of the physical process from heel to toe including choosing one foot to start with, lifting it, moving through space and feeling it touch down.

2. Run through your five senses:

Notice the sounds of life happening around you, without judgement. Notice exactly what you see, hear, smell and taste. Focus on the weather, birds chirping, the smell of spring.

3. Conduct a mindful body scan:

Do a no-judgement check-in with your physical body. Ask yourself: How does my body feel? Tired? Restless? Energized? Do a mental run through of each body part. Start at the bottom of your feet, noticing all sensations. Work your way up your body noting sensations in the legs, the abdomen, hips, hands, arms, fingers, shoulders, neck, face and top of your head. Scan the body for any areas of tightness or tension and with each breath invite a gentle softening.

4. Do an emotional check in:

Ask yourself: What mood is here? Is it anger, frustration, joy, or each of them? Note how you feel, without judgement, knowing that there is no right or wrong way to feel.

5. Focus on your breathing:

Slow breathing calms the nervous system. Whether taking a relaxing walk or huffing and puffing through an interval walk, focus on your breathing to bring your mind back to the present. Note how it feels to fill your lungs with air and then empty them. If taking a leisurely walk, experiment with controlling your breath by inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 4 counts, and then exhaling for 4.

6. Acknowledge and dismiss your thoughts:

Thoughts are going to pass through your mind. It’s OK. Notice when your thoughts take over, let them go when you take the next step and redirect your attention back to your walk.


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