Ladies Auxiliary News

The VFW Auxiliary was finally able to have a meeting February 24, 2021 to get our new year started. Reports and general orders from state had to be caught up. It was announced in general orders Broadus had a second place state winner in one of the Buddy Poppy coloring contest divisions. The winner will be announced at a later date. It was also reported our District 6 Spring district meeting will be April 11, Sunday in Miles City.

Then on March 10, 2021 we had our second monthly meeting of the year. Patriotic Art Chairman, Margaret Scoles, brought the Patriotic Art entries to be judged. We had five entries – I’m so pleased our students took the time to take part in this program. And I’m so appreciative to art teacher Connie Barnhart for assisting Margaret to make this happen. Our winner will be sent on to compete in the state competition.

Buddy Poppy Chairman, Pat Hanlan, reported that as spring approaches, she will be out and around with her poppies. Keep a watch. Pat also shared an update on her piggy banks to new babies project. Such a neat way to welcome new little ones to our world. We congratulate Post Commander Devin Boman and his wife on their new baby – a son and welcome little one.

We worked some on our yearly reports and will complete them at our April 7, 2021 meeting so we can have them to their respective state chairman by the April 15, 2021 deadline.

We will also elect new officers at our April meeting. Note the April meeting is one week earlier because of report deadlines and district meeting preparations.

Well, spring sprung with a wet, wet snow but maybe we’ll see green grass before long, and Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail.

Happy Spring and Happy Easter to each and every one. See you April 7, 2021.


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