Commissioners Proceedings

February 26, 2021

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present.

Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda approved.

Clerk & Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin met with the commissioners to discuss the Medical Advisory Board, TV/Landfill and Planning Board. The commissioners stated Danny Johnson will be appointed to the Landfill/TV Board, the Town of Broadus appointed Raymond Ragsdale and Cody Morris to the Planning Board.

Pat Phillippi, Treasurer, met with the board to request assistance in obtaining previously requested bank statements from the nursing home that she has not received. Phillippi updated the board on mobile home tax billing.

The board then discussed the proposed health insurance benefits for the county for the 2021-22 fiscal year. The board reviewed and discussed the options. Donna motioned to stay with the current policy holder, MACO, for fiscal year 2021-22, John seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.

Sean Hill, Medical Administrator, met with the board. Hill reported on various issues including COVID vaccinations, IV kits, food costs, and reported 27 residents. A purchase order for a new tub was presented for the board to review. The Physical Therapy Department is doing well. Sean is working on the Rural Health Facility, and will be working on the Public Health Director job description.

The board attended the county Health Board meeting. Jami Jo Schroeder, Darlynn Williams, Sean Hill, all commissioners, and Becky McEuen were present. Complete minutes will be taken by acting secretary Darlynn Williams.

No public comment was heard at this time.

Meeting adjourned.

March 1, 2021

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto and John Olson present. Commissioner Randall was absent.

Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time.

Consent agenda was approved.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board. Mullanix reported that he has registered for MACRS convention, and has ordered signs for the Pine Creek Road.

Kathy Roberts, Transportation Director, met with the board to discuss the memorandum between the Transportation Department and the nursing home. It was decided that there is no need for the document.

Donna Giacometto motioned to postpone the discussion of landfill wells and the 2021 agreement with Hydrometrics for well monitoring until all commissioners were present.

David Anderson, Denbury, had a phone conference with the board to update them on the upcoming CO2 pipeline. Anderson informed them that the estimated start date is in June with an end date projected in December. Anderson stated he plans on meeting with the commissioners in person prior to the start of the project.

The board decided to postpone the meeting with Pat Phillippi regarding tax billing until next week.

Donna Giacometto left the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

John Olson attended an interview.

Hearing no further public comment, meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

March 8, 2021

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Lee Randall, Donna Giacometto, and John Olson present.

Meeting was called to order. No public comment was received at this time. Consent agenda approved.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board. Tammy Vantine, Weed Supervisor, joined the meeting to discuss 2021 summer weed spraying.

Commission discussed the recycling center. Commissioner Giacometto stated she has found a place in Billings that will take plastic and newspaper. Giacometto is looking for a way of transportation for materials.

Commissioner Giacometto stated Rosebud County DES/Ambulance director has offered to come to Powder River County and assist with the beginning process of starting up the ambulance service.

Great West Engineering, Brandon Duffey, Julie Emmons-Stoddard, Teel Mullanix and Jeff Noble, County Attorney, met with board to discuss the plans for the bridge project. Discussion was held on the project and the contract was reviewed.

Julie Emmons-Stoddard then updated the board on the city sidewalk project and formally asked the board for financial support to fund the engineering cost for the project.

Mary Rumph and Julie Riley, County Extension Agents, met with board. Discussion was held on poisoning of prairie dogs, grasshoppers, exercise classes, sign project, 4-H Camp, Demonstration Day and the sidewalk project.

The board reviewed the purchase order for a new bathtub for the nursing home. Board approved the purchase order.

Sean Hill, Medical Administrator, met with the board. 26 residents were reported. Hill reported the compressor went out on the freezer but it is under warranty. The nursing home will be replacing cloth furniture for sanitation reasons. Physical therapist Rhonda Rosencranz will soon be training to be a needling therapist. Discussion was held on the new AED’s and where they will be going.

The board discussed the landfill and signed the 2021 Professional agreement with Hydrometrics. Hydrometrics will be using their pumps and controllers to conduct monitoring.

No further public comment was heard, meeting adjourned.


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