January 4, 2021
Commissioners Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall and John Olson present. Meeting was called to order and no public comment was heard at this time.
The board discussed the nomination of Chairman and John Olson motioned for Lee Randall to remain Chairman, Donna seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.
The board then discussed the agenda meeting dates and posting places.
Resolution 2021-01, Resolution to set Commissioners meeting dates; Donna motioned, John seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Commissioners will be meeting on Mondays (8:30 to 5), 2nd and 3rd Thursday (8:30 to noon) and last working day of the month (8:30 to 5).
Resolution 2021-22, Resolution to set posting places for Commissioners; Donna motioned, John seconded, all in favor, motion carried. Posting place will remain at courthouse lobby, lobby of the post office and county’s website.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with board. He reported the gravel hauling project finished up last Wednesday. Gravel roads were discussed.
Sean Hill, Medical Administrator, met with the board. 19 residents were reported. Families are able to visit residents; a room on each hall has been created into a visitation room. CVS will have COVID vaccine here next week. Activities Director has been officially certified. Forms, reporting and HIPPA was discussed. The bath area is still under repair, alarm system at clinic was discussed and the board asked Hill to send a copy of the estimate. The occupational therapist intern is here now and Hill will be cancelling Aqreva contract on January 15.
The board then conducted various business remainder of the day.
The board inspected the county vault and discussed the need to organize and prioritize storage items inside.
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