By PR Extension Office
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 27th for the annual Extension Winter Ag Series, encourages MSU Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. In addition to parasite control in cattle, grasshoppers and forage production challenges, three pesticide recertification credits will also be available by attending either in person or virtually. The program will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Broadus Community Center. COVID-19 safety guidelines will apply. Contact the Powder River Extension Office at 436-2424 or check out the Extension website at http://www.powderriver to participate virtually.
Dr. Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension Beef Specialist will be the first speaker beginning at 1:00 p.m. Van Emon will discuss parasite and pest management of cattle, from pour-ons to fly tags and using them properly and the potential for pest tolerance to these methods. Van Emon will also discuss the use of “natural” products, such as garlic and capsasin (peppers) for fly control.
The next presentation will address grasshopper management by Ken Nelson, MSU McCone County Extension Agent. Nelson will be sharing information on grasshopper predictions for 2021. He will also offer a brief overview of the APHIS Rangeland Control Program, discuss private rangeland and pasture control options (including RAATs), as well as cropland grasshopper issues and control options.
The final presentation will address forage production challenges by Mike Schuldt, MSU Custer County Extension Agent. Forage producers are faced with many challenges including control of the alfalfa weevil and managing risk in annual cereal forages. Schuldt will discuss alfalfa weevil management addressing chemical control options, chemical resistance and IPM management strategies. Information will also be presented on understanding nitrate risk and how to reduce the risk to livestock when feeding annual cereal forage crops such as millet, barley, triticale and oats.
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