Nothing is Easy These Days – But There Is Help

By Rachel Haberman, Energy Share Montana

A cold snap in October is not unusual in Montana. No big deal, right?

That is, until you consider all your neighbors who struggle daily to make ends meet, pay their bills and keep their homes warm. The vast majority of us don’t think twice about whether the furnace will go on when we turn up the thermostat. However, 15% of us (three out of twenty people you meet on the road) have to think about that every day.

Energy Share helps Montanans who are facing home energy emergencies. Since July, fifty percent of these emergencies include circumstances related to COVID-19. Other issues families face are unexpected expenses, deaths in the family, non-working or unsafe heating systems, illnesses or injuries, domestic abuse situations, and loss of employment or reduced wages.

If you or someone you know is struggling to make ends meet, first apply for LIEAP and then Energy Share. (LIEAP is the federally-funded energy assistance program). Applications for both programs are available at Action for Eastern Montana, 406-377-3564 or Make sure you let the people at Action for Eastern Montana know what your situation is, if you have a past due or disconnect notice from your energy provider, or if your propane or oil tank is low.

One example of a family Energy Share helped last year was an elderly, disabled woman and her son who were relying on SSI as their only income while the son was looking for work. Then their car broke down but they were completely out of propane to heat their home. Energy Share helped them get propane and stay warm until he found a job.

Energy Share relies on donations to help your neighbors who are facing energy emergencies. One hundred percent of private donations are used to help someone in need. If you would like to be involved this way, please visit https://www or look for a pledge card/donation envelope in your November utility bill. You can also mail a check to Energy Share of Montana, PO Box 5959, Helena, MT 59604-5959.

Mark Vinger, Energy Share Board President and Montana-Dakota Utilities representative on the Board, strongly supports Energy Share. He said, "Energy Share helps about 2,500 Montanans a year who are facing rough times. If you or someone you know needs help please check with Action for Eastern Montana. If you can, send a gift to Energy Share today and help share the warmth."


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