From the Examiner Files
September 20, 1990
Board puts Class C proposal on hold
The Unified Board of School Trustees, at a meeting Monday evening, decided, at least for the present time, not to petition the Montana High School Association to be moved from Class B status to Class C.
“The Board decided that Broadus should stay in Class B, at least for the present time. We’re looking at possible influx of students, and thought we would wait to see what happens,” said Broadus School System Superintendent George Bailey.
The Board will reconsider the proposed move next year, Bailey said. If indeed the proposal is made and accepted by the Montana High School Association, the move to Class C would not take effect until the 1992-93 school year.
Ninth annual quilt show successful
By Bernice Canon
The ninth annual Quilt Show sponsored by the Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club of Broadus was a pleasant success.
Nearly one-hundred interested visitors and exhibitors made praising comments on the quality of the show.
Mechelle Allen won the Beginning Quilt Book for the drawing on the 12 inch block made by youths twelve years and under.
Interesting and educational demonstrations were given by Dorothy Edwards – Crazy Quilt and Carolyn Dusatko of Sandhills Sewing of Miles City - Machine Embroidery and Monogramming. Cynthia Saunders of And Sew On from Gillette, WY, showed how to piece the pineapple block. The last demonstration of the day was done by Mary Lou Craig of Gillette, called Kaleidoscope.
The Exhibitor of the Day award, a quilting book, was won by Edith Jones.
First place winners in each category were: Pat Parcell, Baby Quilt and Wall Hanging Division; Hallie Janssen, Bed Quilt; Laura Shook, Clothing; Audrey Flanigan, Pillows and Other Articles division.
People’s Choice top award went to Pat Parcell with her beautiful appliqué quilt.
Awards were given and pictures taken to close the 1990 show. Door prizes were given away during the day.
The Rail Fence Quilt completed for the Jaws of Life Project was won by Verna Jo Brewer.
The Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club will meet September 25 at 9:30 a.m. for the workshop “Ohio Star” at the Community Center. Members are to bring food items for a pitch-in salad bar. The workshop will be presented by Betsy Williams and Thelma Taylor.
Williams wins use of horse trailer
Belle Creek cowboy Mike Williams won the use of a horse trailer for one year following roping competitions Sunday, sponsored by Johnson Ford and 35 Bar Trailers of Spearfish, SD.
About 38 ropers were on hand for the competition, according to organizers.
Williams placed first with a five-steer average time of 85.23 second, barely edging out second place winner Larry Clements, who finished with an 85.24 second time. Enoch Schaffer placed third with a time of 90.41 seconds.
Clements and Zane Williams had the fast single-go time of the day, finishing the run in seven seconds flat.
McGill, Davidson to head Eastern Star
Installation of Margaret Trautman Chapter 108, O.E.S. was held September 5.
Officers installed were: Worthy Matron, Sarah McGill; Worthy Patron, John Davidson; Associate Matron, Agnes Davidson; Secretary, Loretta Mangen; Conductress, Barbara Killen; Elna Linville, Chaplain; Mary Hill, Marshall; Mary Dell Ellis, Adah; Gladys Deibel, Ruth; Audrey Flanigan, Esther; Coila Smith, Martha; Ruby Pratt, Electa; Phyllis Wilson, Warder, and Peggy Jones, Sentinel.
Installing Officers were Elna Linville, Installing Officer, Agnes Davidson, Installing Marshall, Twila Talcott, Installing Secretary, Randy Sullivan, Installing Chaplain and Roberta Andrews, Installing Organist.
Agnes Davidson, Grand Warder of the Grand Chapter of Montana O.E.S. was introduced, escorted to the East and presented a silk corsage of red roses and violets by Elna Linville.
Worthy Matron McGill urged her officers to be thankful for those who do attend the meetings and asked them to work towards better attendance and new members. She also named her committees for the ensuing year.
Mrs. Linville was presented with a gift for her services last year as was Mr. Davidson. Mrs. McGill was presented with a corsage and an Eastern Star plaque.
Installation was closed with the Mizpah Benediction.
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