50 Years Ago

From the Examiner Files

We were not able to locate a copy of the paper from 30 years ago, so are reprinting some news from the Thursday, August 20, 1970 issue.

4-H’ers Spend Week in Canada during Exchange Trip

by Mary Janssen

Early Monday, July 21, 46 4-H’ers left Broadus by chartered bus looking forward to an exciting Exchange trip to Vancouver Island, B.C.

While enroute on Monday, we stopped in Helena, seeing the Capital and going through the Charles Russell Museum. We were guests that night at the Florence Hotel in Missoula.

Twelve hundred miles later from Broadus, we arrived in Tsawwassen, B.C., where we boarded a huge ferry which carried our bus, passengers, and 200 more vehicles. We cruised through the beautiful Gulf Islands to Vancouver Island.

Here we were welcomed by our 4-H host families who served a delicious supper. Each “billet”, (Canadian term for the visiting guests) presented his host with a beautiful wool pelt from our native area.

Tuesday we met as a group, (Powder River residents and host families) to tour the B.C. Provincial Museum in Victoria, the province capital. This was followed by a relaxing lunch in the beautiful 158 acre Beacon Park.

In the afternoon, we went to Sea Land viewing several whales, including a killer whale, seals and a large variety of marine life. This marine land was located in actual sea water with glass tanks providing a view with a natural setting. That evening, many went to the Speedway, where stock car racing and figure 8’s were the thrilling attraction.

Wednesday morning, everyone was raring to go, as the bus loaded to tour the Navy yards. We were piloted through HMCS (Her Majesty’s Canadian Service) Columbia, a defense vessel. A smaller boat provided a nautical view within the harbor. We enjoyed our lunch at the waterfront near Fort Robb Hill, a defense fort for the island, which protects the Strait of Juan De Fuca between the U.S. and Canada.

Square Dancing was on the schedule Thursday night and afterwards many went swimming in a lake.

The next two days we spent living within our host families’ schedules and getting acquainted with their way of life. This usually included sightseeing and touring various places of interest in and around Victoria, shopping and just having fun.

The English influence was definitely very evident in most families and especially in the city of Victoria. Seafood, a delicacy to us “land lubbers”, was in abundance. Tea and scones were readily available.

Butchart Gardens was another attraction many of us visited while in Vancouver. These lovely gardens were designed in what was once an old quarry, and are a definite “must” in this vicinity.

The week seemed too short – as Sunday morning we said goodbye and started our trip home, looking forward to the return exchange next year. The return ferry trip was foggy and rainy but still very enjoyable. Sunday night we again stayed in Missoula, only this time not rating as well, at the Fair Grounds using our sleeping bags.

The 4-H’ers arrived home Monday about 4:30 p.m. Everyone agreed it had been a wonderful experience.

Those who went to Canada were Greg Gardner, Dan Hanson, Rick Turnbough, Mona Holst, Larry Holst, Roger Janssen, Elaine Smith, Peggy Traub, Craig Randall, Buckshot Denson, Bill Burton, Peggy Straiton, Darlene Flanigan, Mary Janssen, Robert Janssen, Rena Wetherelt, Ken Bird, Barry Emmons, Dwayne Carter, Donald Carter, Debbie Irion, Darlene Jesse, Linda Jesse, Helen Wilson, Patti Green, Terry Lynn Minow, Dennis Bostwick, Susan Denson, Gaylene Phillips, Myrene Swope, Terry Rumph, Quentin Rumph, Jim Rumph, Mary Smith, Mike Capra, Marla Jo McRae, Scott Carter, Cindy Carter and Rodney Bisgaard. Leaders, Doris Turnbough, Marie Traub, Charlotte Allen, Lyla Green, Marlyn Janssen, and Jack Jeakins accompanied the 4-H’ers as chaperones.

Houses to move through Broadus

Williams and Sons of Broadus recently completed a dirt road across the Powder River. The road will be used in transportation of 22 houses which will begin to move through Broadus this week.

The houses belong to the school district at Gillette, Wyoming, who obtained them from the federal government when the radar base in Miles City was discontinued. The houses are too large to go through the highway bridge across the Powder River near Broadus so another route had to be devised. Williams and Sons contracted the job from the house moving company to provide the road on which to move the houses across the river.

Three large culverts were installed in the river just downstream from the highway bridge and a dirt road built over them to provide the crossing. Detour roads were then built from the highway on each end of the bridge for the house moving vehicles to use.

Schools and Teachers Ready for Opening in Town and County

Broadus High School and Elementary School opens Monday, Aug. 24 with a full day of classes scheduled. Rural schools in the county open Monday, Aug. 31.

Teachers have been hired to fill all positions in the county with the exception of Horkan Creek, Beaver Creek, and Cross S schools. It is anticipated that these positions will be filled before the opening date of these schools on Aug. 31.

Hot lunches will again be served in the Broadus grade school lunchroom for students attending Broadus schools. Student lunches costs 30 cents each or students may purchase lunch tickets for $6.00 for 20 lunches. Lunches for adults cost 40 cents each. These lunches are for teachers, school personnel and adult visitors. Students who carry their lunch from home may purchase milk at the lunch room for 5 cents a glass. The lunch program is under the direction of Mr. Glen Mader, grade school principal with Mrs. Beth Schneidt as head cook. Mrs. Schneidt is assisted in the kitchen by Vera Rosencranz and Mrs. Elizabeth Burns. The hot lunch program carries a variety of menus during each week of well balanced meals. The menus are prepared well in advance and approved by an expert dietician.

A book fee of $5.00 per year will be changed to each high school student. If books are in good shape and none are lost, $2.00 of this amount will be refunded at the end of the school term.

Classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. and students will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m.


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