School Plans for Re-Opening

By Broadus Schools Superintendent Jim Hansen

Like most schools in Montana, Broadus Public Schools plans to begin onsite instruction with students beginning August 19th. It is our mission to provide the best education possible under these circumstances. We understand the concern with student and staff safety due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I experienced the anxiety and isolation first-hand after receiving a false positive test. With the uncertainty, self-isolation, and overwhelming duties at school it was a stressful couple days while waiting for my subsequent negative tests results. We are all in this together and we will persevere. This school year we will encounter obstacles and some positive cases in this community, but this District will provide the best education possible under these circumstances.

In the next few weeks, your school district will finalize plans to reopen school. As you are well aware circumstances are changing daily. The current plan is to begin education fully on-site (See Phase 2 option 1). However, we will all have to be prepared for a “blended” and completely offsite delivery system as well. To prepare for any scenario, the District has purchased new Chromebooks for students and teachers, masks and face shields, cleaning supplies, sanitation sprayers for each building and each bus contractor, three ultraviolet light sanitation machines, and we are in the process of hiring an extra custodian.

We appreciate the community participation and positive comments with our recent survey. Your input will aid the District as we consider how to address issues associated with all the options denoted below prior to the first day of school on August 19th.

Possible Options for the start of the 2020-21 School Year

Phase 3 guidelines. Maintain education plan for all students. Must still adhere to social distancing. Consult with local/ county health officials.

1. Staff at work with students at school.

2. School day is 8:20-3:20 with all classes being broadcast by Google Meets

3. Online learning continues for those opting out of onsite learning.

4. Meal served daily; social distancing in the lunch room, if necessary.

5. Determine transportation needs.

6. Follow/determine activity guidelines offered by the MHSA.

7. Devise cleaning/sanitation plan.

Phase 2 guidelines. We are currently in Phase 2

Option 1

1. Staff at work with students at school.

2. Online learning for those opting out of onsite learning.

3. School day is 8:20-3:20 with all classes being broadcast by Google Meets if needed

4. Students follow daily schedules (includes both onsite and offsite learners). Attendance will be taken each period.

5. Determine transportation needs.

6. Meals will be served and/or delivered by Kitchen Staff. Social distancing in the lunch room-stagger dismissal as needed.

7. Follow/determine activity guidelines offered by the MHSA.

8. Devise cleaning/sanitation plan.

Option 2

1. Staff at work daily.

2. Alternate a M,W and T,Th schedule with one half of students at school, the other half online video conferencing into the classroom/teacher.

3. Continue online learning for those opting out of onsite learning.

4. Students follow daily class schedule.

5. Friday-online tutorial day/normal schedule (or alternate A-B groups)

6. Transportation established by schedule-only half bus students daily.

7. Attendance will be taken each period.

8. Follow/determine activity guidelines offered by the MHSA.

9. Meals will be served and delivered by Kitchen Staff. Social distancing in the lunch room-stagger dismissal as needed.

10. Devise cleaning/sanitation plan.

Phase 1 guidelines. Schools are closed. Maintain education plan for all students.

1. Staff at work daily.

2. Lessons will be broadcast online by Google Meets

3. All students are attending school online following daily schedules.

4. Attendance taken each period.


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