June 23, 2020

Commissioners Lee Randall and Donna Giacometto met to attend the MACO District 1,2 and 3 meeting via Zoom. Clerk and Recorder Cynde Jo Gatlin was also present.

Commissioners discussed the meeting and adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

June 29, 2020

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.

The meeting was called to order.

No public comment was received at this time.

Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.

Teel Mullanix met with board. The Powderville Road has a large washout and the Road Department will be fixing it. The road crew is hauling gravel and a blade is broke down. The refurbished blade is finished and ready for pickup. The Cemetery Road was discussed. Mullanix has contacted Prince and they recommended grinding the road. The cost for Prince would be $600/hour. The Randall Pit was then discussed. Shane Finley (BLM) spoke with Teel and stated if the county does not use the minerals, they can park equipment on the land. Mullanix reported the Ridge Road is finished and they are heading to the Garst Road. The Cooncan Road quotes were reviewed and the board approved the Muggli Construction quote.

The FLAP Grant was then discussed. Randall state that he spoke with Sheryl Schneider and a phone conference has been set up for Tuesday, July 2 at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the grant.

Budget Resolution 2020-19; Budget Amendment, the board read and reviewed the resolution, Rod motioned, Donna seconded, all in favor, motion carries.

At 1:00 p.m., Commissioners Randall and Schaffer inspected the Powder River Bridge. There has been a previous concern brought to the Commissioners’ attention regarding dangerous rip rap under the bridge. The board inspected bridge and determined it was necessary to contact MDT. MDT was contacted and will be down to inspect the bridge this week.

Pat Phillippi stopped in to visit with board.

Billy Stuver, Powder River Examiner, stopped in to discuss various county happenings with the Commissioners.

Pete Wenzel, Broadus Insurance, stopped in to present 2020-21 PCT invoice and policy.

No public comment was heard at this time.

Meeting adjourned.

June 30, 2020

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.

The meeting was called to order.

No public comment was received at this time.

Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.

Commissioners visited with Wendy Twedt regarding her job duties as 9-1-1 Rural addresser.

At 9:30 a.m., the board had a phone conference with FLAP Grant Program Manager Cheryl Schneider regarding the Belle Creek Road. Discussion was held on different options for the county to match the grant. Schneider stated the cost to crush and stock pile gravel could be considered a match. The easement with BLM will need to be further looked into and the possibility of assistance from them was also discussed. Schneider will contact BLM. The county will work on the cost for crushing. The county will also get her the road specs for the county roads.

At 1:00 p.m. the Commissioners met with Molly Lloyd, Supt. of Schools, to conduct the 2020-21 Transportation meeting. Dixie Mitchell and Mary Rumph were present. Full minutes are on record in the Clerk and Recorder’s office for public review.

During the day the claims were reviewed and approved for payment of various county departmental expenses as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office.

The board spent the remainder of the day reading correspondence and taking care of various administrative duties

No public comment was heard at this time and having completed all current business for the day, the board adjourned at 5:00 p.m.


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