Graduation Update

Courtesy Dori Phillips, PRCDHS

Graduation is set for 3:00 on Saturday, June 27th on the Football Field. If the weather is bad, we will move inside to the gym.

Chairs will NOT be provided! Bring your own. Most of the spectators will spread out on the football field. Chairs or blankets would make it more comfortable. If we move inside, chairs are still needed.

We will use Facebook Live to stream the event for family and friends who cannot be here. This will stream on our school Facebook page.

Baccalaureate is scheduled for 1:00 at Faith Bible Church on June 27th. All graduates are invited to attend. This will be over by about 2:00 so that graduates can report to the school for pictures immediately following the service.

Following graduation, we will have the graduates line up on the sidewalk in front of the high school. Gifts can be delivered to graduates here. This will allow for more space to spread people out.

Hand sanitizer will be available in multiple locations.

Masks are recommended to protect yourself and others, but not required.

General guidelines for social distancing:

--Social distancing is advised in group settings of any size.

--Wear a mask if social distancing can’t be maintained.

--Limit ‘mingling’ in settings with 50 or more people.

--Wash hands frequently

--Stay home if you are sick for any reason

--Anyone in the vulnerable population is encouraged to stay home

--Avoid shaking hands and hugs, use a fist bump instead

--Discourage attending multiple after grad gatherings. (This limits the number of contacts.)

If you have any questions, please contact Dori: [email protected].


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