By Broadus FFA Reporter Alex Edwards
This year saw the chapter members work the food booth for Little Levi as well as the fair, organize a food and coat drive, taking the entire 30 member chapter to John Deere Ag Expo, had the first team from Broadus participate in the food science contest, sponsoring and manning the first Ag Safety workshop for elementary students, and being the only chapter at district conventions that had a team or individual in every sweepstakes contest. Our chapter would like to thank Mrs. Minow for her time chaperoning that trip.
The senior members who will leave for greener pastures this year are: Callie "Get 'Er Done" Williams, Tayden "Parli Pro Pres" Gee, Erick "Magic" McConnon, Beau "Mr. Reasons" Kuhbacher, & Bailey "Spirit Animal" Smith. We hope that they can say their FFA experience was a good one, and they will take a piece of knowledge with them as they go. Marcus Mader was chosen as Star Greenhand this year, and Rheanna Schroeder for Creed Speaker. Both represented the Chapter at District Competition. The following students participated in public speaking events at the district level: Alex Edwards and Sophie Irish in Extemporaneous Speaking and Erick McConnon in Prepared Speaking. Recipients of the FFA Chapter degree, upon completion of community service hours are: Lea Aye, Colton Bieshuevel, Lauryn Billing, Alex Edwards, Dillon Gee, Ezra Gotfredson, Sophie Irish, Aidan Kenelly, Abi Krantz, Paysen Kuchbacher, Marcus Mader, Oliveah Schaffer, Rheanna Schroeder.
Although state convention has not been held yet, the state degree recipients are Joziah Brost, Kortny Cathey, Garrett Cunningham, Megan Johnson, Kyle Minow, Gavin Severeide, and Deanna Twedt.
Our FFA officers for the 2020-21 year are: Aidan Kenelly – Sentinel, Oliveah Schaffer – Parliamentarian, Alex Edwards - Reporter/Historian, Garrett Cunningham – Treasurer, Marcus Mader – Secretary, Deanna Twedt – Vice President, Megan Johnson – President.
Local Star Awards are: Star Farmer is Joziah Brost, Star in Placement is Tayden Gee, and Star in Agri business is Megan Johnson.
Each year the Chapter selects at least one person who has provided essential services to our chapter. Dixie Mitchell was selected this year for her assistance to chapter treasurers for many years.
Underclassman Lea Aye and Senior Tayden Gee both received the scholarship award for the highest GPA.
The leadership award is voted on by the members of the Broadus FFA and represents an individual who leads by example and urges other members to step out of their comfort zone. This year's winner is Callie Williams.
The DeKalb accomplishment award, sponsored by the DeKalb seed company, is based on a member's leadership, scholarship, and involvement in agriculture. This award was given to Tayden Gee.
The Amanda Gaskill "never give up" award recognizes a member who despite things maybe not going the way things were planned, makes adjustments and continues on with a positive attitude. This year the members selected Megan Johnson to receive this award. The Larry McGill memorial belt buckle is used to recognize the senior FFA member who exemplifies what it is to be an FFA member. Willing to go that extra step, get out of your comfort zone, and get the job done, the members felt that Callie Williams was just that person this year.
The James Clark "helping hands" award was given to Callie Williams with 164 hours of community service this year.
The Lincoln Best mechanics award, in memory of Lincoln who was a member of our State mechanics team all four years of his FFA career, was awarded to Garrett Cunningham.
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