Powder River Health Fair Moves To June 11

By Kerry Gardner

Well, how has everyone been during this Shelter In Place? Some people were calving and lambing and there was no change for them. Others found this to be a challenge, not seeing family or friends or going out of their house. In the health care field, there has been some changes and we have had to adjust to several different ways to treat patients.

We are moving forward with Powder River Health Fair on June 11, 2020 at the Community Center and there will be changes on how we do this. Due to keeping the number of people inside at any given time to a minimum, there will be no food or drinks on site this year nor any inside booths. We want only a small group of participants at a time inside and then we ask that as you finish with your blood draw that you go outside as soon as possible.

We will take as many precautions as we possibly can to protect our workers and also for the public. Please understand we believe we can move forward with his community service and we do our best to safeguard all.

We are working with Billings Clinic laboratory again to offer screening blood studies. The tests offered are the Chemistry Panel for Kidney, liver and heart enzymes with electrolytes, Lipid panel for Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL and HDL. There is TSH (Thyroid hormone), PSA (for men over 50), CBC which is a complete blood count for infections or anemia, Vitamin D 25-OH level, and Hemoglobin A1c for diabetics. The price is the same as last year (GREAT NEWS). Remember these are all screening tests and this will be your copy of the results to take them to your health care provider for review. Your results should be back within a week and we do have information on each test available if you want it. If you are unable to pick up your results within a week, we ask that you please bring a self-stamped and addressed envelope for EACH person with test results and we will mail your results to you. If you wish to have someone else pick up your results, we need a signed note from you telling us exactly who has permission to pick up your results.

For those in the Boyes/Hammond area, Debbie Harrington has again agreed to schedule, Twin Klar and Darlynn Williams will draw at the Hammond School. Please call her @ 427-5383 to schedule a time. Please bring your stamped, self-addressed envelope and money to the blood draw and your results will be mailed to you as soon as they are available.

The success of the Health Fair is only because of our faithful volunteers in this community who help year after year, in fact, most of our help has been with us for all of the 23 years, which says something about our community volunteers. Please thank them when you see them, as this would not happen without their help. Thank you, Terri Bird, Lynnette Janssen, Stacey Brown, Jaci Phillips, Twin Klar, Tina Thompson, Krista Gnerer, Darlynn Williams, Stephanie Cooper, Lori Stokes, Randy Sullivan, Sharon and Julie Collins, Cynde Trucano, Leah Harrington and Debbie Harrington. We thank Steve Deigadillo for his help with Billings Clinic Laboratory for working behind the scenes for us.

We ask that you pre-register as soon as possible to obtain a time that works for you. We ask that you pre-pay and register by June 3, 2020 to allow for the necessary paperwork to be completed. Again, we thank all of you that have called about this and being patient with us. We are looking forward to bring this service to our community so please realize we have a few changes for this year to implement that need to be followed.


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