Chamber News

By Jessica Malone

The light at the end of the quarantine tunnel seems to be growing brighter, but as business owners, producers and employees prepare to reignite the economy, we may only be beginning to navigate the roughest waters of the COVID-19 crisis. The Powder River Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture encourages citizens to utilize all resources available in order to be prepared and make informed decisions as you move forward.

The Powder River Public Health website /Public-Health has information available on the coronavirus and state mandates. The document recently released by Public Health giving local guidelines and directives for business re-openings has been posted on the Chamber website http://www.PRChamberof It is important that owners, staff and consumers alike be aware of the necessary restrictions and precautions as our community begins to emerge from this shutdown. Please take time to review this important information.

Many local businesses are feeling a heavy financial impact and there are numerous programs evolving to help keep entrepreneurs and organizations afloat. The Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan has proved to be a popular go-to as it is adapted to assist a variety of industries and has the potential for loan forgiveness. However, we caution responsible parties to ensure that you are making informed financial decisions. Before you sign up for any assistance programs, speak to a banker or financial expert to ensure you fully understand the requirements, eligibility, restrictions and consequences involved.

As you support local businesses and community services, remember to be kind and patient with your neighbors, frontline workers and officials as we navigate these difficult times together. Phased reopening directives mean a continued pause on all Chamber events and activities but we invite you to follow our Facebook page @PowderRiverChamber for updates from local businesses, community information and other announcements.


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