March 23, 2020
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.
Meeting was called to order.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
Discussion was held on vote for authorization for elected officials and supervisors to utilize paid administrative leave. The vote will go to the resolution if needed.
Discussion was held on suspension of the work at home policy. The vote will go to the resolution if needed.
Maintenance Supervisor Marty Drane met with board. The board updated Drane on the COVID-19 procedures and asked him to use his discretion as to how to proceed in his department with employees on administrative leave. Cleaning of the courthouse was discussed and the board asked if Drane could have more cleaning done.
Road Supervisor Teel Mullanix met with the board for his weekly meeting. Discussion was held on COVID-19. Mullanix informed the board he will be sending employees home in their work pickups and employees are to report to the job site without meeting at the shop every morning. He will be splitting employees up as much as possible. He also reported Darlynn Williams, Public Health Nurse, conducted a health safety meeting with the road crew. He then reported on road issues. They discussed purchasing more fuel. Mullanix informed the board he has tried calling DEQ regarding the underground storage tank inspection but has not yet made contact with them. The board asked Mullanix to contact Clinton Watters, landfill, about the loader needing repairs. Mullanix reported the Clarys Pit has been declared a permanent pit. The crew is crushing, working on Gotfredson Road and when freezing quits they will move to 15 Mile.
Kathy Roberts stopped in to discuss COVID-19 procedures. She will continue to drive for critical/essential patients only. They discussed how to proceed with paid administrative leave.
Health Board meeting took place in commissioner’s office via Zoom with all commissioners present along with Cynde Gatlin and Becky McEuen. Patrick Flanigan, Twin Klar, Sean Hill, Peggy Fruit, and Darlynn Williams were present via Zoom.
Resolution 2020-11 Resolution to Limit Courthouse Access to the Public; Authorize Supervisors to utilize paid administrative leave and initiating critical only workforce and temporarily suspending the “No Work at Home Policy” for COVID-19. Rod moved to approve Resolution 2020-11. Donna seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Clerk & Recorder Cynde Gatlin met with the board to report on various issues. Past meeting and fair board minutes were presented. Paperwork to be signed was presented: the FY20 Solid Waste Renewal Application, donations for sick time paperwork and warning letter from DEQ regarding the underground tank at the county shop. The Sheriff’s office remodel was discussed. Time sheets were also discussed.
A conference call between Interstate Engineering, COP Construction, and the Commissioners was held. Lee Randall, Rod Schaffer, Donna Giacometto, and Teel Mullanix were all present. Brian from Interstate Engineering was present and Neil from COP Construction was present. Eric from COP Construction and Lowell from Interstate Engineering were conferenced in. During COP Construction’s work this winter, the Cemetery Road was damaged by their heavy equipment. This meeting was set to discuss how COP Construction intended to help fix that damage. The group discussed different options with the best interest of both parties. No final decision was made.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
March 30, 2020
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.
Meeting was called to order.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
Road Supervisor Teel Mullanix met with the board for his weekly meeting. The landfill loader was discussed and the board asked Teel if wanted his department to be the main mechanics for the equipment and Teel stated he did not want that responsibility for his department. Mullanix informed the board of his decision to reduce his staff to half on half off every other week. Charlie Hopkins has requested a new phone as his will not charge any longer. Mullanix expressed his concerns of the amount of out of state traffic he is seeing in the area. The Cemetery Road was discussed and Teel informed the board he met with Curt Bass, Century Construction and Bass stated the entire road needs repaired. Lee stated he contacted the MACO attorney and discussed possibly putting a lien on the bond; no final decision was made. The board then discussed the city’s responsibility in the damage. Rod asked Teel to double check all cattle guard work done. Barsaa was briefly discussed.
The board reviewed payroll claims. Claims were reviewed and approved for payment of various county departmental expenses as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office and can be reviewed upon request.
Cynde Jo Gatlin, Clerk and Recorder, met with board to present a letter to the commissioners on her plan to proceed with a mail ballot election for the 2020 primary. She answered questions and concerns from the board regarding the process. There were no objections from the commissioners.
The board met at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom for a Board of Health meeting regarding COVID-19.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
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