Extension Office Hosts Nature Scavenger Hunt

Courtesy PR Extension Office

If you choose to accept this mission brought to you by Powder River Extension…

The Great Nature Scavenger Hunt!

7-day hunt March 30-April 5

Winner – most time/steps spent taking photos of the following:

(When appropriate, try to identify the animal or plant)

Antler shed

Seed pod


Lichen on a rock

Wild animal track


Wild animal scat


Driftwood or gnarly post

Something with spines

Get creative! Have fun! Enjoy the great outdoors while practicing social distancing!

Upload photos to The Great Nature Scavenger Hunt group on Facebook under MSU Extension Powder River.

Other options include: uploading to Instagram. Use #PR GreatNatureScavengerHunt so we can find the photos, or emailing the photos to [email protected].

Tell us how much time was spent or steps taken getting each photo, as well as the date and location for each photo.

Submit all photos by Sunday, April 5th!

Winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to a local business.

This event is sponsored by MSU Powder River Extension Agents Mary Rumph & Julie Riley.


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