February 24, 2020
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.
Meeting was called to order.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
Road Supervisor Teel Mullanix met with the board for his weekly meeting. He reported a new blade is coming and reported on road happenings. Mullanix gave an update on the gravel hauling project and DEQ has stated the 15 Mile gravel pit cannot be used until it is in permanent pit status. Mullanix stated he spoke with Marian Barber and she informed him Weeden Construction had not contacted her and that they had recently worked on the Ranch Creek Road. Barber also informed Teel an aggregate specialist is coming to get samples of the gravel and will be retesting the gravel in Washington. Cleaning cattle guards in the winter was discussed.
Clerk and Recorder Cynde Gatlin met with board. She informed the board the Town of Broadus has requested shippo approved material for their distaster repairs. The county cannot sell the material and the commissioners approved gifting the material to the town.
Darlynn Williams, Public Health, met with the board. She presented 2 Family Planning contracts. The commissioners signed both contracts. The next Board of Health meeting was set for April 14, 2020. Williams also updated the board on the Coronavirus. She reported there are no cases in Montana.
The board then entered a closed meeting with a county employee.
Sheriff Drane and Shane Copps met with board to discuss claims presented by Copps for administrator fees for a grant he wrote for the dispatch remodel. Sheriff Drane also asked the commission to write a resolution to set jail fees. The commissioners will start this process. It was then discussed to cancel the bid opening set for 1 p.m. as no bids have been submitted. The bid opening will be rescheduled for March 9 at 1 p.m.
Ron Hecker, Forest Service, met with the board. He gave an update on controlled burns and meetings he has attended.
The board then discussed requesting a speed study for town. Shane Mintz with MT State DOT as asked board to submit a letter of support.
Becky McEuen, DES Coordinator, met with board. She discussed the upcoming 2020-2021 budget. She reported she is hiring 373 Consulting, Jason Mahoney, to assist in emergency exercises. She asked if the board would be interested in doing any additional emergency training, and they all agreed for more training. The commissioners then signed the 2020-2021 EMG Grant.
Teel Mullanix was back in to show pictures of cattle guards.
Pat Phillippi, Treasurer, stopped in to ask the board if they plan on changing the TV tax fee for the upcoming year. The board stated they do not anticipate any changes.
Brenden Stevenson, Sheriff’s Office, stopped in to inform board Tim Fox, MT Attorney General, will be in Broadus tomorrow to visit.
Clinton Watters stopped in to ask board how to charge on a large quantity of carcasses. The board will discuss this at next meeting.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Having completed all current business for the day, the board adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
February 28, 2020
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.
Meeting was called to order.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
During the day the claims were reviewed and approved for payment of various county departmental expenses as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office.
Medical Administrator Sean Hill stopped in to review the pay schedule for new DON. He also briefed the commission on clinic happenings. Hill reported the new PAC system is up and running. Hill also updated the board on possibility of purchasing items with the healthcare logo and selling them. The new drug and alcohol policy were presented to staff on February 27th.
Pete Wenzel with Broadus Insurance met with board to present a quote for workers’ comp insurance with State Fund.
Clinton Watters, County Landfill, met with board to discuss a large quantity of carcasses being brought to landfill and how to charge for them. The fee schedule does not clarify bulk carcasses. The board will address this issue at a later date.
Molly Lloyd, Supt. Of Schools, met with board to discuss the re-opening of School District 90. Lloyd presented information on the history of the school. She informed the board the increase in mills that would occur if the school was open again. She also presented the pros and cons of having the rural school open.
Teel Mullanix stopped in to discuss a claim.
Huseby report: 60 coyotes, 23 ranches, 2-26-2020.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
March 2, 2020
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with all members present.
Meeting was called to order.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
Billy Stuver with the Powder River Examiner stopped in to inquire on the Coronavirus and there was discussion on roads and bridges.
Maintenance Supervisor Marty Drane met with the board. He informed the board the tokens for the fair barn are depleting and possibly more may need to be ordered. Rod Schaffer will contact locals that use the barn on a regular basis and see if they have any. He reported the fuel pump at the airport is still being repaired. He also reported the company that makes the auto locks for the courthouse is no longer in business.
Road Supervisor Teel Mullanix met with the board for his weekly meeting. He updated the board on the FEMA meeting held last Tuesday. Great West Engineering was discussed and the decisions to have either box culverts or bridges put in at Pilgrim and Horse Creek. It was discussed that box culverts might not handle the exit of debris. Discussion then went on to the purchase of a used excavator and dozer. Permanent pits were discussed and the time frame for a gravel crushing contract. The Cemetery Road was discussed and the plan to fix the road. Due to the repairs being done on the lagoon it was decided to table this issue until the city is finished with their project.
Resolution 2020-08, To Establish County Jail Reimbursement fees of $75/day. Rod motioned, Donna seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
The board then discussed and wrote a support letter to conduct a speed study on Highway 212 in and out of Broadus.
Mary Rumph and Julie Riley, Powder River Extension, met with board for their monthly meeting. The agents updated on happenings in their office.
Great West Engineering, Karl Yachowitz, called the commission. Karl explained he wanted to touch base on the project and answer any questions the board may have. The group discussed the timeline of events, different types of bridges, and funding. Karl requested the board to email him back stating the board is in favor of moving forward with the bridge document. Chairman Randall emailed per request.
Medical Administrator Sean Hill met with the board. He inquired on the agreement between the county and Tri-County. He updated the board he will be updating the ads that are put into the Powder River Examiner. An update on the clinic was reported; new lab equipment will be purchased and the new PAC system is working well. There will be an x-ray training in Billings that two C.N.A’s will be attending to become RAD techs. Hill then updated the board on the medical billing upgrade and the time frame of this change. The possible addition of a clerk at the clinic was discussed again. Hill then reported on the nursing home. He updated the board on the Activity and Social Service Departments and the current status of employees. Hill is also looking into management classes for his supervisors.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
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