Superintendent's Report

By Broadus Schools Superintendent Jim Hansen

We have been fortunate so far this winter to have had mild temperatures and better than average road conditions. In cases of severe weather, one of my most troubling decisions has been to decide when we will cancel school. Sure, I have some general guidelines that aid me in my decision. I would more than likely cancel school if the official temperature in Broadus was -30 degrees or the wind chill exceeded -45 degrees.

However, my greatest concern for student safety continues to be road conditions, which can be extremely dangerous even at much higher temperatures. When road conditions deteriorate, I spend much of the evening and early morning hours checking with the Montana Department of Transportation website and the Sheriff’s Office, in addition to taking drives out of town.

Wrestling with this issue can be stressful. Since road conditions can vary dramatically from one end of our county to another, please feel free to contact me at 436-2351 at any time on the status of roads in your area, as I will more than likely be awake. Please don’t drive or at least slow down when conditions warrant, and drive safely this winter.

Trustees will need to consider an election resolution for three trustee vacancies and a potential general fund mill levy. Depending on the number of trustees filing, there may not be a need for an election. Trustees must pass an election resolution prior to February 25th for either a levy or trustee election. One trustee position will need to be elected from District 79J; currently held by Dan Johnson. The other two positions up for election represent the Biddle and South Stacey Districts, which are held by Lori Fortner and Shasta Madsen. If any resident has any questions or interest in a trustee position, please contact Dixie Mitchell at 436-2658.


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