Wellness Weekly -- What is it?

Courtesy MSU Extension Service

“Wellness Weekly” is a year-long marketing campaign designed to educate the community about the dangers of opioid and prescription drug misuse. The campaign will also provide prevention education and treatment resources and how to access them. The campaign is funded through a DPHHS’ O2D2 grant, a request for funds made by the Youth Issues Coalition (YIC) and MSU Extension Service-Powder River County.

The YIC is made up of members from youth agencies and clergy who care about the people of the community. Representatives include the Broadus School Psychologist and School Counselor, the Powder River County Public Health Nurse, the Powder River County Sheriff’s Department, the Eastern Montana Mental Health Center, Powder River County Extension and area churches. Since 2002, the coalition has worked to prevent substance use disorders, promote resiliency and educate and provide support for families and community members. Some of the events the YIC has helped organize and promote include:

Matt’s Story: A Journey of Addiction Film for school and community

Mental Health Resource Cards created and distributed to Students

Rachel’s Challenge for students

Mariah’s Challenge for students

ASIST Training for school and community members

Mental Health 1st Aid Class for school and community

Jason Deshaw, school presentation

Every Brilliant Thing by Grandstreet Theatre for school and community

According to Ayche Draine, Powder River County Deputy, Powder River County has three major issues: Underage drinking and the misuse and abuse of both methamphetamine and prescription drugs. Nearly one in ten Montanans have a substance use disorder and young adults aged 18-25 years in Montana rank among the highest for Alcohol Use Disorder and Dependence, according to the 2017 Montana State Health Assessment.

“There is a need for education and prevention, and there is hope for those who need help,” explained Kristi Mobley, School Psychologist and member of the YIC, “and that’s the information we want to provide in the Wellness Weekly campaign.” New information will be added each week; and contact and resource information will be updated as needed.

For more information, contact the MSU Powder River County Extension Office at 436-2424.


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