Start the New Year with Exercise - Arthritis Exercise Classes Begin January 13th

January is a great time to begin a gentle exercise program. The Arthritis Exercise classes offered by MSU Extension- Powder River are gentle, yet as strenuous as an individual wants to make them. Hand-held weights and resistance bands are available for strength training, and range of motion and endurance exercises make up the remaining one-hour class.

Classes begin in Broadus on Monday, January 13th, at the Senior Center at either 10:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m., and will be Mondays and Wednesdays each week.

People don’t have to have arthritis to attend, simply a desire to move and feel better reported Julie Riley, MSU Extension Agent.

Past participants report:

*I’m better able to turn my head and see oncoming traffic when driving;

*I have better overall health, and more strength in my arms and legs;

*Even though I don’t have a lot of arthritis, this class provides the incentive I need to keep moving;

*The exercises are gentle and provide movements to keep and increase my flexibility and muscle tone; and,

*My last bone scan showed improved bone density!

The MSU Extension-Powder River County teaches and organizes the exercise classes sponsored by the Montana Arthritis Program. All classes are free and open to both men and women of all ages. For more information, contact the Extension Office at 436-2424.


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