A Centennial County Fair in 2020!

Courtesy PR Extension Service

In August of 2020, Powder River County will celebrate its 100th County Fair, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. The Centennial Fair promises to be a BIG event complete with entertainment, exhibits, vendors and a variety of activities planned by the Fair Board to celebrate the historical event.

The public is invited to submit themes for the Fair, and to nominate potential Fairbook dedicatees for the Fair Board to consider at its meeting on Thursday, January 16th. Suggestions can be sent to the Powder River Extension Office (436-2424) or a Fair Board member prior to the meeting.

The Fair dates this year are August 4th -7th, which represents a change to a Tuesday through Friday Fair, instead of Tuesday through Saturday. This change will hopefully encourage greater participation in the 4-H Market Livestock Auction which will be held on Friday afternoon and reduce scheduling conflicts with the Carter County Livestock Sale. It will also consolidate the Fair week for exhibitors and their families.


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