Broadus Town Council Minutes



October 1, 2019

Mayor Lyman Amsden; Councilperson Lori Turnbough; Councilperson Wanda Smith; Councilperson Pete Wenzel; Councilperson Cody Morris; Public Works Raymond Ragsdale; Public Works Cassidy Zimmer and Lowell Cutshaw, Interstate Engineering via video.

Reviewed Interstate Engineering draft of Lagoon Project with Lowell Cutshaw. Town of Broadus will be borrowing $945,000 at 2.5% with target rate of sewer base rate of $32.00 including 3,000 gallons of usage and $2.00 per 1,000 gallon above gallons included in the base rate. Reviewed the Resolution of Intention to increase rates for the users of the municipal sewer system.

Councilperson Morris moved to adopt Resolution 2019-09, “RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE TOWN OF BROADUS, MONTANA TO INCREASE RATES FOR THE USERS OF THE MUNICIPAL SEWER SYSTEM”. Councilperson Wenzel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Councilperson Wenzel moved to approve bid of COP Construction contingent on DEQ concurrence. Councilperson Turnbough seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously.

Councilperson Smith cannot be at meeting November 5, 2019 due to parent teacher conferences. Mayor Amsden moved November 5, 2019 meeting to November 4, 2019 for a public hearing on Town of Broadus Sewer Rate increase.

Public Works Zimmer continues to work on the streets as weather permits.

Public Works Ragsdale will be submitting floodplain permits for the flooding projects that FEMA is helping the Town with.

Councilperson Wenzel moved to adjourn this meeting of the Broadus Town Council. Councilperson Turnbough seconded the motion. Mayor Amsden adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 7:15 pm.

Claims were reviewed and approved by Council.

Wanda Smith, Acting Clerk

Lyman Amsden, Mayor



November 4, 2019

Mayor Lyman Amsden; Councilperson Wanda Smith joined by telephone for entire meeting; Councilperson Pete Wenzel; Councilperson Cody Morris; Public Works Raymond Ragsdale; Public Works Cassidy Zimmer; Clerk Peggy Fruit; Billy Stuver, Powder River Examiner; and Lowell Cutshaw, Interstate Engineering via video.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Amsden called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Mayor Amsden opened the public hearing to discussed the proposed rate increase for the sewer fund at 6:00 pm. Clerk Fruit brought up concerns from an elderly lady with a fixed income of how will she afford the increase. This was discussed, the concern of affordability is on everyone’s mind but due to the years of minimal maintenance has put the Town of Broadus in this predicament when upgrades should have been done over the years. Clerk Fruit also brought up the suggestion received to borrow from the water fund. A loan is possible, but the water fund does not have that kind of money to support this project. Unfortunately, this project will cost everyone hooked to the sewer system. No one appeared to speak for or against the rate increase for the sewer. Mayor Amsden closed the public hearing at 6:30 pm. Councilperson Wenzel moved to accept the sewer rate increase as stated in Resolution 2019-10. Councilperson Morris seconded the motion. Motion carried by aye votes from Councilperson Smith, Councilperson Morris and Councilperson Wenzel. Rate increase goes into effect December 1, 2019 billing.

Public Works Zimmer reported the replacement of dumpster pad was higher than normal, thus using the entire dumpster pad budget for the remaining year. Would like the Mayor and Council to consider a policy or ordinance regulating the overnight parking around the town square during the winter months. When snow is on the ground it works better not having vehicles in the way with early morning plowing. Been having calls about campers parked on town right of way whether lived in or not. This also needs to be addressed by Council.

Lowell Cutshaw discussed with Council the engineering contract amendment to include O&M manual and 11th month walk through of the project as suggested by DEQ. Councilperson Morris requested further information needed before a decision could be made. The amount of the amendment is higher than Council feels it should be. Will visit with DEQ during the project conference call on November 13th.

With no further business before the Council, Councilperson Wenzel moved to adjourn. Councilperson Morris seconded the motion. Mayor Amsden adjourned this meeting of the Broadus Town Council at 6:45 pm.

Peggy Fruit, Clerk Lyman Amsden, Mayor


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