Church Notes

Sponsored by Broadus Insurance Service



Pastor Julie Long, 436-2457

“Rooted in the Word, Dwelling in Christ, Branching out for the sake of the World”

All are welcome! Please join us for worship.

Sunday worship 11:00 A.M. followed by time of fellowship.

Holy Communion: December 1st and Christmas Eve. “Pitch In” lunch follows worship on Dec. 1st.

Sunday December 1: Advent 1. Worship with Holy Communion and Advent candle extinguishing and lighting. Again, this year we will have two Advent wreaths. One is designated as “dark” and one as “light”. During Advent worship each Sunday we will extinguish a candle from the “dark” wreath representing attitudes and actions that need to be changed or transformed. We will then light a corresponding candle on the “light” Advent Wreath representing themes of darkness to light. Free Advent daily devotional materials for adults, youth, children and families are available. Monthly “Pitch In” follows worship.

Tuesday December 3. 9:00AM Wreath decorating for bazaar. Bring a friend.

Friday December 6: Annual Christmas Bazaar and Soup/Dessert luncheon. EXPANDED HOURS AND BAZAAR THIS YEAR: 9:30 AM-3:00 PM. Start your Christmas Stroll day in town with us! Bazaar opens at 9:30 AM. Lunch serving begins at 11:00. Bazaar items include a variety of “fair trade” items from SERRV International, featuring items made by women from Peru, Jerusalem, Vietnam, Portugal, Africa and many others. Also for sale: decorated fresh evergreen wreaths, inspirational wall plaques painted by our confirmation youth, wide variety of sewn and knitted crafts as well as yummy candies and baked treats!

Sunday December 8: Advent 2. Worship and fellowship.

Sunday December 15: Advent 3. Combined Worship with PR Congregational Church at Our Savior’s. Teacher Molly Lloyd and students of “Shining Star Preschool” will present the Nativity Story during worship. Fellowship following.

Sunday December 22: Advent 4. Worship and fellowship. Filling and distributing “Remembrance Bags” follows worship.

Christmas Eve Festival Worship Tuesday December 24th: 5:00 P.M. Candlelight Family Worship with Holy Communion.

Sunday December 29: NO worship at Our Savior’s. You are invited to worship at Powder River Congregational Church. (11:00)

Wednesdays December 4th and December 18th: 3:30-5:00 PM. “Jesus Kids”

Wednesday December 11th 5:30-8:00 PM at VFW HALL: Family holiday activity event to decorate gingerbread houses. Dinner served at 5:30 followed by decorating. Families will be provided with gingerbread houses and decorations to create their own masterpieces to take home or with others. Please let Molly Lloyd or Pastor Julie Long know if you/your family are planning to attend so sufficient materials are available. Free will offering to cover VFW hall rental and event expenses.

NOTE: No after school “Jesus Kids” on Dec. 11th.


Pastor Tom Herzog

Sunday, December 1st - Pitch in following service

Sunday, December 8th – Communion as a part of regular service

Sunday, December 15th - Mission Moment during service

Sunday, December 22nd - Faith Story during service

Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Service @ 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, December 29th - 5th Sunday

Tuesday, December 31st – Youth Group New Year’s Eve Party

December 28th – January 1st - Winterama Camp @ Camp Bethel


9:45 a.m. Sunday School (All Ages)

10:45 a.m. Worship Services (Nursery and Children’s Church Offered)

Mom’s Group meetings Monday mornings.

ReFit exercise classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Live Streaming of Worship Services available through our web page or Facebook page!

To Enable Believers/To Build Relationships/To Win the Lost


We are in the process of finding a new pastor, but for now we are continuing to have worship on Sundays.

1st Sunday

Terry Sgrignoli

2nd Sunday

Floyd LePoidevin

3rd Sunday

John Wilson

4th Sunday

Dan Barber

Sunday School 10:00 AM

Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

Please come join us!

Thank you for your patience.

God Bless You!


Pastor Sam Smith

Sunday School, 4 p.m. followed by Church services at 5:00. Pitch in following. (Pastor Smith will preach every other Sunday)


December 8, 6:00 p.m.: Please join us for our annual Christmas Fireside! The program will include Christmas messages from the general leadership of the church and music from The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. Refreshments will follow.

December 22, 10:00 a.m.: Special Christmas worship service celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Visitors are welcome!




The Corner of Wilson and Jensen

A Place Where All Are Welcome

Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Knoblauch


Email: knoblauchnicholas

“Like” Us on Facebook @powderrivverucc

Open Office Hours: Monday’s 10 am -2 pm

or by appointment.

Sunday December 1st, 2019

11:00 am Worship Service with Communion

Hanging of the Greens


Communion Host: Connie Barnhart

Sunday December 8th, 2019

11 am Worship Service, Second Sunday of Advent

Church Council

Fellowship Host: Carol Richards

Sunday December 15th, 2019

11:00 am Joint Service with Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at the Lutheran Church for a joint worship service celebrating our combined children’s ministry.

Friday December 20th, 2019

5:30 pm Longest Night Prayer Service. Sometimes referred to as a “Blue Christmas Service”, we will gather in the Fireside Room for a time of rest and reflection. This service will embrace the grief and the hope of the holiday season.

Sunday December 22nd, 2019

11:00 am Worship service, fourth Sunday in Advent

Fellowship Host: Karen Gunther

Tuesday December 24th, 2019

5:30 pm Candlelight Worship Service.

Wednesday December 25th, 2019

9:30 am Christmas morning we will gather around the fireplace for a time of prayer and reflection as we read the Christmas story.

Sunday December 29th, 2019

11:00 am Worship Service

Fellowship Host: Twila Talcott


Sundays at 11:30

Confession before and after Mass


Church Services every second and fourth Sunday, 5 PM., potluck supper and great fellowship following.


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