The Broadus School Board met Monday night for their monthly meeting. On the agenda was the consideration of hiring a substitute teacher, the closing or combining of several activity fund accounts, the consideration of allowing 8th grade participation in high school boys and girls basketball, and considering recommendations of the buildings and grounds committee in regards to the high school roof.
The board began by approving two out of district transportation contracts, one for a 9th grader, the other for a 2nd grader who will be attending at the beginning of the spring semester.
Next, the board approved the hiring of Shauna Schaffer as both an elementary and high school substitute teacher.
Following that move, the board moved to combine some activity fund accounts and close out others, such as the class of 2019 fund, which had money left over after graduation. The All School Play, HS Athletics, JH Athletics, Speech & Drama, and Elementary Activities funds will be combined under one account, with separate sub-accounts. The goal is to streamline bookkeeping while still maintaining the funds in respective areas.
Head Basketball Coach and Activities Director Mike Richards then spoke on the need for 8th grade participation in High School basketball. Mike commented that there are currently 11 high school girls and 11 boys out for the team. Bringing up the 8th graders will make enough players for JV seasons. Last year, the boys team brought up all the 8th graders to play HS ball, and the girls brought a select number up to play. The board discussed the matter and concluded that the opportunity would go out to all 8th graders – bring everybody up if they’re interested.
The junior high basketball season concludes before the start of the high school season, so 8th graders do not miss out on any playing experience at the junior high level, if they choose to come up and play high school.
There was some discussion about making 8th grade participation a regular thing – that is, 8th graders would be able to participate every year without the board making a special motion every season. A motion was made and then passed to allow 8th grade participation in HS volleyball and basketball for future seasons.
The board then heard from the buildings and grounds committee, which has been wrestling with the high school re-roofing project. The school is still waiting to hear back on a grant proposal to help pay for the roof; the results will hopefully be known in mid-December.
In the meantime, the school will move forward with the project in order to hopefully secure a contractor before they are all booked up for next year. The board moved and approved a motion to ask for bids on a membrane roof. The project is expected to be completed next summer.
A motion was also made and passed to modify the rent for teachers in the apartment building, which sits across the street from the high school. Currently no teachers are housed in the apartments, while the duplex behind the elementary does house teachers. The school will now cover the cost of electricity for teachers who may live in the apartments, while also covering rent for student teachers. Previously, the electricity costs were covered by the teachers, and with electric heat the bill was quite high in the winter.
The next meeting of the board will be at 7 pm on December 9th.
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