Commissioners Proceedings

August 30, 2019

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto, and Lee Randall, present. Rod Schaffer was absent for the day.

Meeting was called to order.

No public comment was received at this time.

Consent agenda – Lee moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.

At 9:00 the commissioners went into a joint meeting with the School Transportation board to discuss and approve 2019-2020 school bus route contracts. Present at this meeting were Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall, Molly Lloyd, Warren Wash, Mary Rumph, Trish Robinson, John Robinson, Raquel Mader, Justin Madsen, Stacy Hagedorn, and Karen Capp. Molly called the meeting to order. Molly reported that this meeting was being held because the previous meeting had been done prematurely. Full meeting minutes can be found in Clerk & Recorders office.

Molly Lloyd, School Superintendent, met with the board to present 2019-2020 school budgets to be signed. Molly presented South Stacey school budget. They are not levying any mills, as the school is not operational at this time. The school must do something by next year or they will be closed down. If the school does close down, the school district will be dissolved, and they will join the Broadus Elementary school district, and any left over money will go to Broadus Elementary.

Local resident, Linda Kreiner stopped in to visit about the upcoming winter and the snow plowing schedule for gravel roads.

No public comment was heard at this time.

Meeting adjourned.

September 3, 2019

Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall, and Rod Schaffer present.

Meeting was called to order.

No public comment was received at this time.

Marty Drane, Maint. Supervisor met with the board for his bi-weekly meeting. Discussion was held on the heating and cooling system in the courthouse building. Discussion was also held regarding the courthouse doors not being opened until 8. The board asked Drane if he could start getting them opened again at 7:30 as there are some offices that need to be functioning by 8:00 a.m. Drane will rearrange his employees schedule to make this work. Drane has requested to put a part-time maint. employee as a full-time permanent employee. The board will discuss this and no final decision was made. Drane informed the board he has spoke with the MT DOT Transportation regarding the walking paths and they will help with getting the path fixed.

Road Supervisor, Teel Mullanix, met with board for weekly meeting. An employee from McClusky crushers will be here to look at the crusher. EDA grant was discussed and no final decision was made. Mullanix informed the board he went and looked for gravel at Rough Creek and found some but still not enough to fulfill the gravel contract for crusher. Mullanix also informed the board of a couple local residents that have offered to look for gravel on their place. Cargate cleaning was discussed. Mullanix informed the board a company has been here to pick up tires from the landfill and the road dept. The board asked Mullanix to contact the company and take more tires from the landfill. Mullanix then asked the board what the requirements were on building a building at the county shop. Discussion was held on this issue but no final decision was made. Brief discussion was held on the status of the 911 sign addressing.

Resolution 2019-43 Powder River County Elected Official Compensated Salary public hearing was held. No public comment was heard. The board reviewed the resolution, and Rod motioned to approve Resolution 2019-43, Donna seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.


Adoption of County Compensation Schedule

For Elected Officials

WHEREAS, Mont. Code Ann. Sec. 7-4-2503 provides that the salaries paid to certain county officials must be established on an annual basis by the county governing body;

WHEREAS, Mont. Code Ann. Sec. 7-4-2503 provides that the county compensation board shall prepare a recommended compensation schedule for the elected county officials for the following fiscal year, to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their approval, which must take into consideration county variations, including population, the number of residents living in unincorporated areas, assessed valuation, motor vehicle registrations, building permits, and other factors considered necessary to reflect the variations in the workloads and responsibilities of county officials as well as the tax resources of the county; and

WHEREAS, the county compensation board held the public hearing as required, and made its official recommendation, pointing out that the final decision is made by the Board of County Commissioners after considering the county’s financial condition and levy limitations,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners of Powder River County adopts the salary schedule for county elected officials for the 2019-20 fiscal year as follows:

County Treasurer: $45,368.55= ($43,368.55 + $2000.00)

County Clerk and Recorder: $ 45,368.55 = ($43,368.55 + $2000.00)

Clerk of District Court:* $43,368.55 = (same calculation as used for Treasurer)

Justice of the Peace:* $43,368.55 = (same calculation as used for Treasurer)

County Supt of Schools: $17,507.42 = ($43,368.55 +$400=$43768.55 X 2/5 time)

Sheriff/Coroner: $54, 042.26 ($43368.55 x 20% ($8673.71) + $2000.00 + longevity)

County Commissioners:* $43,368.55 = (same calculation as used for Treasurer)

County Attorney: $54,570.44 = (X ½ time)

*Elected officials waive additional $2000 authorized by Montana statute Sec. 7-4-2503, MCA

All such provisions of this Resolution shall be controlled and limited by Montana state law. Should any provisions of this resolution conflict with Montana state law, the applicable law shall control.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Powder River County, Montana on this 3rd day of September, 2019.

Tammy Vantine, Weed Coordinator, stopped in to visit with board. The meeting went into closed session.

Resolution 2019-44, Resolution to Adopt Final Budget and Levies public hearing was held. No public comment was heard. The board reviewed the resolution and Rod motioned to adopt Resolution 2019-44, Donna seconded the motion, all in favor, motion carried.



WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 7-1-2121, MCA, the Board of County Commissioners advertised and held public hearings on preliminary budgets, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 7-6-4036, MCA, the Board must approve and adopt the final county budget on or before the first Thursday in September or within 30 calendar days after receiving the certified taxable valuation, and

WHEREAS, following budget hearings, the board adopted the final budgets and applicable tax levies on September 3, 2019 and

WHEREAS, the amounts to be appropriated and authorized to be spent from each fund, the cash balance in each fund as of June 30, 2019, the amount of revenue to accrue to the fund from other sources, the reserve for the next fiscal year and the amount necessary to be raised for each fund by tax levy during the current fiscal year were determined, and

WHEREAS, this board has also considered all state and federal grants and has determined that expenditure of these funds shall be according to appropriate state and federal requirements,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Powder River County sets the following levies for fiscal year 2019-20 and adopts the final budget based on the modified accrual accounting basis, sets the total appropriation limit per fund and authorizes adjustments to appropriations funded by fees as per Section 7-6-4012, MCA, and authorizes Powder River County Treasurer to transfer appropriations between items within the same fund as per Section 7-6-4031, MCA. The final budget appropriations to be adopted and levies fixed for each fund for the 2019-20 fiscal year as follows: (shown on attached pdfs at bottom of page)

Dated at Broadus, Montana, this 3rd day of September, 2019.

Nadine Elmore, Interim Nursing Home Administrator met with board for her weekly meeting. She updated the board on various employee issues at the facility. The Director of Nursing position was discussed and the board discussed again contracting with MHA Connections to help assist with the hiring process for D.O.N and C.N.A’s. Elmore will contact the company and discuss the option of making it a 180-day contract. A call-back or call-in policy was discussed. Elmore discussed the upcoming Medical Board meeting and asked the commission if she could bring some board structuring information and sample agendas. The board approved Elmore to help in any way. Elmore informed the board that Kathy Bowers had applied for a Media Grant for the residents and it was approved. This grant helps assist with the purchase of computer and tablets. The M­­anor will need to purchase the equipment and then will be reimbursed. These expenditures were not added to the 2019-20 budget. Discussion was held on the Medical Administrator/ CEO.

Ron Hecker with the Forest Service cancelled his meeting.

Jim Atchison, with SEMDC, was in to visit with the board and discuss the annual membership drive with SEDC.

No public comment was heard at this time.

Meeting adjourned.

Here are the budget documents indicated above:


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