30 Years Ago

From the Examiner Files

Thursday, September 14, 1989

Seven local swimmers qualified for Nationals

Broadus youngsters did extremely well in competition at the Colstrip National Qualifying Swim Meet held late last summer. Seven local swimmers qualified for nationals in 17 separate events, competing against around 100 other youths representing a four state area.

Competitors at Colstrip had to place in the top two in an event to qualify.

Because the nationals were in San Antonio, Texas, however, none of the local qualifiers were able to attend.

Eight-year-old Seth Weisser won the overall trophy for most points in the boys’ eight and under age division. His younger sister Erin, a six-year-old, won the overall trophy for most points in the six and under age group. Both qualified for nationals in five separate events. They are the children of Rick and Sara Weisser of Broadus.

Also qualifying were Kristie Coulter, in three events, Megan Rogge in three events for runner up in her age six and under group and Kacey Compton, Phoebe Norris and Blaine Fortner in one event each.

Seth Weisser won first place in the eight and under boys’ freestyle event, first place in the 25 meter fly event, first in the 100 meter iron man, second in the 25 meter breast stroke and second in the 25 meter back stroke. Erin won first place in the 25 meter free event, first in the 25 meter fly, first in the 25 meter back stroke, first in the 100 meter iron man and second in the 25 meter breast stroke. Megan placed first in the 25 meter breast stroke, second in the 25 meter free style event and second in the 25 meter back stroke. Kristie placed first in the open girls’ 200 meter free style event, second in the 11 to 12 year old girls’ 50 meter free style competition and second in the 11 to 12 year old girls’ 50 meter fly event. She also placed fourth in the 11 to 12 year old girls’ 100 meter back stroke and fifth in the 100 meter breast stroke event for her age group. Kacey Compton won the second place medal in the 13 to 14 year old girls’ 50 meter free style, and fifth in the 100 meter girls’ breast stroke for her age group. Phoebe Norris won second place in the 50 meter free style event for adult girls. Blaine Fortner won second place in the 11 to 12 year old boys’ 100 meter breast stroke, and sixth in the 50 meter free event.

Also placing in various events were: Stacey Fortner, third place in the 9 to 10 year old boys’ 50 meter style event and fifth in the 9 to 10 year old 50 meter free style; Luke Brewer, fourth in the 9 to 10 year old boys’ 50 meter breast event and sixth in the 50 meter free style event. He also placed in the 50 meter boys’ event. Mindi Hilliard placed fourth in the 13 to 14 year old girls’ 50 meter fly competition and sixth in the 50 meter fly competition and sixth in the 50 meter free style and 100 meter breast stroke, and Angie Harris placed seventh in the 13 to 14 year old girls’ 50 meter free style.

Fair carcass contest results vary from live placings

The carcass results from the County Fair had a few surprises, according to county agent Mary Rumph.

1989 marked the first year for the lamb and hog carcass evaluation.

In the Sheep Carcass Contest, the top three places on the rail went to Jolene Randall, first, Adam Zimmer, second, and Leslie Stradtman, third. Their lambs had placed seventh, tenth and thirteenth respectively in the live placing. Jolene will receive a traveling trophy sponsored by Rocky Ridge Lamb Feeders. The three winners will split a $175 cash award, to be presented at 4-H Achievement Day on Sunday, October 1. Sponsors for the contest include: Dale Edwards, Inc., Danny Lanning, Jerry Cathey, Harold Draine, Fruit Trucking-Lee Fruit, Phillip Huckins, Ekalaka Yard Sale (Pat and Nilda Byrne), and Wayne Gamrath.

The top three Hog Carcass Contest winners were Krista Madsen, first (placed second live) Eric Fredrickson (fourth, live), and Cassy Elgin, third (sixth, live). Krista will receive a traveling trophy sponsored by Wick Receiving Yards- Steve and Pat Wick. She and the other top finishers will split a $120 cash award at Achievement Day. Sponsors of the cash award include Wick Receiving Yards, Lawrence Giacometto, Ken and Jo Ann Cunningham and Wayne Gamrath.

In the Powder River Market Steer Contest, Krista Madsen moved up from her seventh live placing to first place on the rail. Her Angus steer had a 15.1 inch ribeye and graded choice plus. She’ll receive a $250 cash award from the Jack Jeakins Memorial, sponsored by Charlie Emmons. Krista will also receive a traveling trophy sponsored by Miles City Packing.

The biggest surprise was a Guernsey/Brown Swiss Cross Simmental steer exhibited by Leal Brimmer. The steer moved from it last place of seventeenth on the hoof to second place on the rail. It produced a 12.9 inch ribeye with two-tenths inches of backfat and a Choice grade. Leal will receive a $150 cash award at Achievement Day from the Jack Jeakins Memorial.

Jeff Considine’s Limousine steer placed third in the live show and third on the rail. It produced a 15 inch ribeye, graded Choice-minus, and had three tenth inches of backfat. Jeff will receive a $100 cash award from the Jack Jeakins Memorial.

Two businesses open

Two empty Broadus Main Street business buildings sprang back to life last week. Dottie Johnstone has taken over as manager and has re-opened the Homestead Inn and Tom Brewer and Bob McCurdy have opened the Park Avenue T.V., where Neate Boutique was formerly located.

Johnstone, who has around 19 years in the bar and restaurant business, is managing the Homestead Inn for Sharon Hopson. It had been closed since a fire swept through the building last winter. Newly remodeled, it features beautifully decorated interior which lends to a fine, relaxed atmosphere as a bonus, besides the most important feature, a compete menu and tasty, wholesome food.

Daily specials will be added, according to Johnstone.

Lee Koester has been hired as head cook.

Hours of the restaurant daily are from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The lounge will open at 8 a.m.

“I enjoy the restaurant business. It’s a challenge,” said Johnstone. “Also, I like to work with people. We look forward to serving the people of our community and we will help out in any way we can.”

A grand opening date has been set for Saturday, September 30.

Park Ave. T.V. Service and Repair features Zenith products as well as Kenwood and Seiko. Other brands will be brought in as the demand arises. Used televisions and other audio-visual equipment, along with trade-ins, will be made available.

The owners are tentatively looking at a two-day grand opening, set to take place around the 29th and 30th of September.


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