March 4, 2019
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall and Rod Schaffer present.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Rod moved, Donna seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
Road Supervisor, Teel Mullanix, met with board, to report on the snow plow they are currently renting. They like the plow but are not sure if it is heavy enough for what they need. Teel is going to keep looking at some other, heavier options. Teel reported that the road crew has been working hard, putting in a lot of overtime to make sure all the county roads are getting plowed. The Beaver Creek Hill was re-graveled before the snow hit this winter. Teel has told them he will if he gets time, however the county roads are his priority. Teel spoke with Carl at Great West about the RFQ. They discussed what bridges needed upgraded or replaced the most. A meeting has been set up for the MACRS conference in Great Falls. Teel and the board discussed putting “Powder River County” signs on their plows and trucks due to someone calling with a complaint about a driveway being plowed, although it turned out it was not a county plow. No decision was made. Teel discussed his vacation time; he needs to use it up by the end of March or he will lose it, however due to all of the snow, Teel hasn’t and won’t be able to take much time off. The commissioners will see what can be done so Teel doesn’t lose all his vacation time. A local rancher called Teel, very upset about the road crew plowing snow and filling up the cattle guards on Boyes Road. Teel and the board discussed ways to avoid filling up the cattle guards as much as possible, although it is difficult to avoid altogether.
Jeff Noble, County Attorney, was in to discuss the county lawsuit
Janie Calvert stopped in to asked the Commissioners a question about the new predator control forms.
Nursing Home Administrator, Cheri Stachey, met with board to report 22 residents. Cheri reported the room renovations are going well, however there is a bunch of Wall Guard materials sitting outside of the garage because the bags of grass are still in the garage. Donna informed Cheri that IGA receipts must now be signed by a nursing home employee when the IGA delivers to the manor; IGA employees can no longer sign the receipts. Donna let the IGA know this as well.
The commission met with Doug Mraz to discuss predator control.
Lee attended the NRS meeting at the Community Center at 2:20 p.m.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
March 5, 2019
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto and Lee Randall present.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda – Donna moved, Lee seconded this motion, all in favor, motion carried. Consent agenda approved.
Donna and Lee attended the monthly safety meeting.
Road Supervisor, Teel Mullanix, met with board, to report on the newly rented snow plow. After having driven the plow himself, Teel reported that the plow works well. The only thing that is wrong with the plow is it’s not 4-wheel drive. Teel reported that he spoke to the engineering company about the Mobley bridge guard rail. The engineer told him, due to liability issues, the county cannot just remove the guard rail. Teel and board discussed several options to replace the guard rail. The commission will contact the State and look into this further. He will get them fixed as soon as he can. Teel reported on the progress of snow removal around the county. Teel reported that one of the plows is being taken in for repairs.
Jerry Wilson stopped in to visit with the commission about why the snow plows do not having wings on them.
Lee Randall attended the Measles Outbreak Strategy Plan with healthcare professionals from the county.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
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