70 Years Ago

While perusing the Montana Historical Society’s excellent quarterly publication, we came across an article about the terrible weather across much of the West and Northern Plains in 1949. Looking back through early 1949 issues of the Examiner, we discovered articles on the storms and how the winter was dealt with by the local populace. We will include snippets from that time period over the next few weeks.

February 11, 1949

Feeding in Otter Creek Area Started By Deputy State Game Warden Linville. Additional Funds are Needed to Carry Out Program

Warren Linville, Deputy State Game Warden for Powder River and Carter counties announced this week that special feeding of pheasants in the Otter Creek area began Monday.

Linville, after taking a survey of the game birds last week found that birds in the Otter creek area needed immediate help if they were to survive and canvassed people in Broadus interested in game preservations for help.

Following is a list of donors to the special game feeding fund activated in this area: Donating $2.00 - A.W. Hingle, Joe Chiesa, Steve Holt Jr., Warren H. Linville, Lloyd Rue, George Strang, Lee Smith, Texaco Service Station, Farmers Union, Standard Highway Service, Bogner Bros. Garage, Joe Dent Jr., Edward Allen, A. W. Heidel, D.A. Heidel, Burton’s, C.E. Orestad, and O.G. Christianson. Donating $1.00 - Don Gatlin, Forrest Cole, Powder River Motor Co., John Williams, Glen Yarger, Joe Dent Sr., Jack McLees, and Ed Portwine. Donating 1 sack of wheat - G.L. Sullivan.

Linville said that he would probably begin feeding on the Dunning place on Otter creek and would feed the birds wheat purchased with the above donated funds. Some loss of birds was noted but the loss appeared light at the time of the survey. Any interested group or individual wishing to donate to this fund for continued feeding of game birds where and when necessary by Game Warden Linville, may do so by contacting his office or Duncan R. Skinner at the Examiner office. Feed will be purchased locally as long as it is available and will be put out by Linville.


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