Superintendent discusses levy election, board vacancies

By Broadus Schools Superintendent Jim Hansen

Trustees will need to consider an election resolution for three trustee vacancies and a potential general fund mill levy. However, I do not anticipate the need to run a levy in either the elementary or high school district. Depending on the number of trustees filing, there may not be a need for an election. Trustees must pass a resolution prior to February 26th for a levy or trustee election. Two trustees will need to be elected from District 79J currently held by Craig Randall and Amanda Zimmer. The other vacancy is in the Ashland District 32J, which has been vacant since last May. If any resident has any questions or interest in a trustee position please contract Dixie Mitchell at 436-2658.

There are a couple education legislative bills of worth discussing. Senate Bill 139 relaxes some of the stipulations for working retirees. As some of you may recall we took advantage of this option when our Industrial Arts instructor, Steve Ray continued to work after retirement. The bill would be beneficial especially for small schools. However, the financial implications on the Montana Teachers Retirement Fund are not favorable for the passage of Senate Bill 139.

House Bill 235 encourages school districts to collaborate in establishing a statewide insurance pool. A similar proposal occurred in 2005. At that time there was some disagreement between larger self-funded schools and smaller districts, as well as educational groups. I would expect House Bill 235 to be an up-hill battle.

We are currently budgeting approximately 19% in your elementary and 14% in your high school general fund for health insurance. Additionally, I would expect these percentages to increase in succeeding years, as your general fund operating budget will remain constant.


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