Broadus School Board Met Monday

The Broadus School Board met Monday evening, with a large contingent of the public on hand to discuss various matters relating to the school.

During the hearing of the public, a group of parents commented that internet classes should be made more widely available, to include core classes, which would offer more flexibility for students who may learn better online. School Counselor Dori Phillips commented that there are currently 82 options available for online classes, though if a class is offered in school that’s where a student will take the class, unless a set of extenuating circumstances are met. The Board will look to revisit this issue at a later date.

Kye Stanley, Student Council President, gave his report. Kye noted that Community Appreciation Day is set for Monday, April 29th.

Dori Phillips then gave her report, noting that 19 Seniors are set to graduate this spring. She then went over the online class availability, noting that any student may take two free online dual credit courses through the Montana University System. This allows students to complete college coursework while still in High School, or work on remedial work before graduation, which saves time and money down the road.

Dori went over a list of issues with the current Senior work study program, and how that might be changed in the future.

The Board then went on to hirings and resignations. The Board accepted the resignation of two long time teachers who are set to retire at the end of this school year – Jesse Barnhart and Charlanne Lemke. The Board then hired Brandy Billing as Director of the School Play, Ashley Emmons as Junior High Track Coach, and Isabel Hobart as a substitute teacher. No interest has been shown in the High School Assistant Track Coach position. Board Member Pat Emmons abstained from voting. The vote to accept the new positions and resignations passed unanimously.

A group of citizens from the Powder River Trails Committee then met with the Board to consider development of the Broadus Loop trail. The plan is to make a trail along the north side of the elementary school, connecting to additional trails on the north end of town, and at the cemetary. This loop around Broadus would allow folks a long trail system to loop around the town, for exercise and fun.

The Board discussed the matter, with Superintendent Hansen commenting that the school’s insurance found minimal issue with the matter.

Hugh Osborne, a National Park Service rep who was on hand with the Trails Committee, commented that in Montana law, statutes exist to where the school would not be found liable if there was no charge for the public to use the trail. The School’s attorney, Rich Batterman, who was on hand for a separate matter, affirmed that this was correct.

After further discussion as to who would clean up garbage and how close the trail would be to the playground, the Board approved a motion to allow the trail to access the land north of the elementary school.

The next item on the agenda was a bus contract addendum, to which Rich Batterman spoke at length. Batterman noted that changes could be made to bus contracts at the end of the contracts, and any changes should be discussed and agreed upon by the contractors and the school.

Bus contractor John Robinson replied to the matter, saying that he would be happy to be a part of the conversation. Bus contractor John Blain said that he felt this matter warranted further discussion together with the transportation committee. The Board decided that a transportation committee meeting will be held on February 25th at 1 pm with contractors to discuss any addendum to bus contracts.

The Board then approved a trusty and levy resolution, and looked into filling the open board position in 32J. Molly Lloyd, Superintendent of Schools, went over a list of people who may have some interest in the position.

The clerk and principal positions……..


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