January 22, 2019
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall and Rod Schaffer present.
No public comment was received at this time.
Kathy Roberts, Transportation Supervisor, was in to update information on a county resident complaint she received on her personal cell phone.
Marty Drane, Maint. Supervisor, was unable to attend his scheduled meeting due to snow removal.
Landfill bills were reviewed and the board discussed allowing charging again at the landfill. There will be stricter rules regarding the charging - if you do not keep current on any charges, landfill privileges will be revoked.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with board and roads, repairs, snow plowing, gravel pits, and gravel were discussed. The Barsaa Grant was discussed. Commission asked Teel to put together a list of bridge repairs for the TCEP Grant and the Growth Policy Update.
Thumper Drane, Sheriff, was in to visit about the change in cell service. Verizon offers a plan called Safety Program. He will be setting up a plan for his department. He informed the board as of today he will be locking the dispatch door that enters into the Sheriff’s office. This decision was based on the rules/regulations required by CJIN. If the Sheriff’s office does not comply with CJIN requirements they will lose funding. CJIN is controlled by the FBI, which requires the county to comply with the FBI standards. The Sheriff department is working on a grant right now to upgrade the office to meet the CJIN standard requirements and keep the door unlocked and open for the public. Discussion was held regarding safety issues and concerns within the county.
John Barbero, Weed Board Member, stopped in to visit with board regarding the Weed Management Plan not getting signed in a timely manner. The board apologized and explained they were unaware of the timeline. They also explained the weed management plan must be on the agenda and be posted to the public. The group discussed the need for each ranch to have their own individual weed management plan. The board read and reviewed Weed Management Plan, and signed it.
Cynde Gatlin, Clerk & Recorder, met with board to present payroll changes; the board approved and signed them. Minutes were presented, read and approved. Gatlin asked for clarification on the hiring wage that was agreed upon with a new employee. LEPC minutes were presented, read and approved. An email from SE MT Development was presented asking the board to be in on a conference call regarding the 2017 Audit with SE MT Development. Gatlin informed board the TV antennas are still not completely working correctly. The board will contact Marty.
A Public Hearing for Resolution 2019-19, to Amend Lodging and Meals Reimbursement to County Employees (this reimbursement increases the dollar amount reimbursed to employees when they are traveling), was held. Chairman Randall read the Resolution, no public comment was received, Rod moved to approve, Donna seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Resolution 2019-19 passed.
Matt Hagedorn, Undersheriff, stopped in to request an easier system for fairground keys and the Hold Harmless Agreements the Sheriff’s office is responsible for. The commission will contact Broadus Insurance on the legality of the agreements and figure out an easier system for the Sheriff’s office.
Cheri Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator, was in to report 23 residents. The commission informed Cheri there needs to be a public hearing for the daily rate increase.
The meeting regarding the Moore Road was held. Community members Steve Stoddard, Julie Korkow, Dan Hartman, TJ Cunningham, and Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, were all present. Community members asked the board and road department for help with this road. There is 28 miles of road repairs one way and 8 miles of repair the other direction. Mullanix feels they can help with at least 4 miles which would help with any travel to a bus stop for anyone that may have children on this road. The group discussed various options of graveling and repairs. Korkow suggested contacting legislatures for help in regards to all the damage hunters are doing to this road during hunting season. The group understands the financial strain that comes with road repairs, they are just asking for help to make travel for families and ranching issues a little easier. The commission asked the community members to keep watch out for more gravel and bring any suggestions or ideas to them. The commission agreed to try and work with road crew and community members to help with this road if feasible.
Public hearing for Resolution 2019-20, to Amend Fair Board Resolution 2019-08 was held. The amended Resolution adds one more member and adds a secretary requirement. Board reviewed the new resolution, received no public comment, Rod motioned to approve, Donna seconded, all in favor, motion passed. Resolution 2019-20 passed.
Pat Phillippi, Treasurer, was in to ask for removal of a landfill charge on a tax bill that belongs to a tax payer that sold the property back in 2015. The charge was inadvertently missed back in 2016. The board unanimously approved this removal.
No public comment was received at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
January 28, 2019
Commissioners met for their weekly meeting with Donna Giacometto, Lee Randall and Rod Schaffer present.
No public comment was received at this time.
Consent agenda was moved and passed.
Marty Drane, Maint. Supervisor met with board. He updated the board on the Sheriff’s office door locks and they will be installing an auto release that the dispatchers will have control of. The new light poles are in. When weather cooperates, they will be installed. The generator at the clinic is not working properly. Drane has contacted TW Enterprises again and is waiting to hear back. Don Kogele was notified about the tv issues. He will contact the tower crew and be in touch with Marty.
Kathy Roberts, Transportation Supervisor, presented the Coordination Plan to the commissioners. The board reviewed the plan, Donna moved to approve the 2020 Transportation Coordination Plan, Rod seconded the motion, no public comment was heard, all in favor, motion carries. 2020 Transportation Coordination Plan has been approved. Roberts presented the board with the 2020 Capital Grant. This grant is used to order vehicles. Board review the grant. Kathy is struggling to find people who want to become drivers. She feels CDL’s are some of the issue. With the purchase of a full-size van that is ADA compliant, no CDL is required to drive it. This van would be in the 2020 grant.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor – Discussion was held regarding the Moorhead Road where water was running over the road. The road dept. has been out and safety measures have been taken on this situation. Teel gave the board some quick figures on estimated gravel crushing costs. The Reisland pit was discussed regarding making it a permanent pit. No decision was made. Discussion was held regarding purchasing equipment. Mullanix proposed an excavator instead of a dozer. The group discussed the pros and cons to this purchase. Dump trailers were also discussed. Discussion was held regarding the previous meeting on the Moore Road. The group decided the Crow Creek Road is the most feasible at this time to get repairs done and to get kids to the bus route if needed. Discussion went on the the RFQ’s; the board approved to move forward with this process.
Jaci Phillips, Clinic, was in to discuss her FMLA time, and discuss future absences from the clinic. Dave Smith, Billings Clinic, will cover for her on the Thursday’s she will be gone.
Cynde Jo Gatlin, Clerk & Recorder, gave the board the final survey for the growth policy for review for the approval. The board approved the survey and Gatlin will distribute them. Gatlin informed the board on the 2018 AFR status.
Cheri Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator, met with board. She reported 23 residents. Timesheets were presented. Stachey informed the board Hailey Hudson was not paid out on her sick time; this was a human error and it will be remedied in the payroll department immediately. Stachey asked the commission if an area could be used for the community garden grant the Extension office is working on. Commission would like more details regarding this garden grant before any final decisions are made.
Mary Rumph, Extension service, was in to discuss using her private vehicle for travel. She asked for clarification regarding when minutes need to be turned in to the Clerk & Recorder’s office. Randall will contact MACO and be in touch with her. She inquired about using Facebook messenger on fair board meetings/communication. The board discussed this and feels it would be considered a quorum on messenger.
Public hearing was held in regards to amending the budget. Resolution 2019-21, Homeland Security Grant. The board reviewed the resolution, Rod moved to approve the amended budget, Donna seconded the motion, no public comment was heard, all in favor, motion passed. Resolution 2019-21 to amend the budget passed.
The board discussed the public hearing for raising Nursing Home Rates. The public hearing will be held on February 19. The average MT rate is $204.00, our current rate is $170.00 per day.
Public hearing was held in regards to Resolution 2019-22, Resolution for Abatement of Delinquent Mobile Home Property Taxes. The board reviewed the resolution, Rod moved to approve, Donna seconded the motion, no public comment was heard, all in favor, motion passed. Resolution 2019-22 Abatement of Delinquent Mobile Home Property Taxes passed.
A conference call with Attorney Greg Bonilla was held.
No public comment was heard at this time.
Meeting adjourned.
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