Commissioners Proceedings

December 3, 2018

All commissioners were present for their meeting. Minutes were presented and approved. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.

First discussion of the day was on changing the weed employee from non-exempt/hourly wage to exempt/salaried status. It was unanimously decided by the commission that the weed employee, will work five eight-hour days as an hourly employee.

Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, was absent for his report due for medical reasons.

Kathy Roberts, Transportation Director, reported the chair lift on the new van has been repaired. Her department is running smoothly.

Don Kogele met with the board to discuss the tv translator service on Home Creek. Don says the new tower is not as tall as the old tower, and is causing translator issues. Don will look at the tower at the county shop to see if it will get the new antenna higher.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board to report there has been a communication gap between the landfill employees about what needs to be done for the stormwater pond and the leachate pond repairs. The work can still be done this year, but it will be a lot harder due to the weather. Teel is working with the Forest Service on the 15 Mile pit. Teel reported the 9-1-1 signs are here but the company installing the signs has not been in contact for about three weeks. Rod called the company and they haven’t forgotten us and are still planning to complete the project this winter. Teel reported an injury last week when the compressor on the crane truck failed.

The Montana Association of Counties officers have announced committee membership for the coming year. Donna and Rod are on the Agriculture Committee for 2019 and Donna is also on the Public Lands Committee for 2019.

Resolution 2018-17 was presented and unanimously signed for the distribution of Local Option Vehicle tax for 2019. The complete resolution is available to the public upon request.

Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder, presented draft resolutions for advisory boards that had not been officially established by resolution. The commissioners reviewed the various resolutions and Carole will make the changes they recommended. A public hearing on all resolutions will be held on January 7, 2019.

Ron Hecker with Custer Forest Service, met with the board to discuss the Ten Mile Road. They also discussed the Three-Mile project. The Forest Service is planning on logging in the area. The Forest Service is releasing the Fort Howes Complex to the BLM. Ron will not be meeting with the board for two months due to medical reasons. Scott Studiner and others will be filling in for him.

Having completed all business and hearing no public comment on the days business, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.

December 4, 2018

All commissioners were present for their meeting called to order at 9:00 AM. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.

The County Safety meeting was called to order by President Marty Drane. Minutes were read from the previous meeting. Those present were all commissioners, Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds; Allen Drane, Sheriff; Kathy Roberts, Transit; and Molly Lloyd, Supt of Schools. The Active Shooter Plan was discussed and also how to make the safety meetings more interesting and worthwhile. Sheriff Drane reported the new car radios are to be installed next week. Meeting adjourned.

Don Kogele and Marty Drane were present for a conference call with Charlie Cannaliato, tower/translator specialist. Charlie suggested raising the antenna. Don tried to call Muskeet Communications to arrange for help with the tower. Muskeet Communicatons will get in touch with Don.

The 2019 newly elected county official’s Certificates of Election were signed by the commissioners who acted as the County Canvassing Board for the General Election held in November, 2018.

Rod left the meeting at noon.

Donna began working on by-laws for the boards that will be officially established by resolution in the near future.

Mike Stevenson and Chad Sutter with Stevenson Design met with the commissioners and Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder, to discuss preliminary plans and cost estimates for possible Critical Access Hospital status. Chad presented several drafts for nursing home remodels and cost estimates. Julie Emmons joined the meeting by conference call. Julie suggested using grants to purchase equipment and not for construction/ remodel costs.

Jim Atchison, Director of Southeast Montana Development Corporation, met with the board to present a plaque in appreciation of the county’s membership.

Having completed all current business and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 3:00 PM.


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