Interesting topics and great speakers are slated for the Extension Ag Winter Series scheduled for the afternoon of January 8th, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. The program will kick off at 12:30 p.m. at the Broadus Community Center. A description of the topics includes:
Making Alternative Forages Work for You – Dr. Emily Glunk Meccage, MSU Extension Forage Specialist and Assistant Professor at Montana State University in Bozeman, coordinates and conducts research on best forage management practices, from fertilizing and grazing recommendations, to appropriate species for producer needs. She will share production data from research at Montana Experiment Stations to compare annual forages with alfalfa in addition to discussing grazing strategies when nitrate might be an issue.
Rangeland Restoration & Management– Dr. Jeff Mosley, MSU Extension Range Management Specialist. The explosion of previously unknown annual plants this spring combined with crested wheatgrass dying have many ranchers (and range specialists) scratching their heads. How can these annuals be managed? What has brought this on? Is reseeding necessary? If so, what species should be used? Seeding rates? Do grazing systems need to be changed?
Rancher “Rules of Thumb” – Bridger Feuz, University of Wyoming – Livestock Marketing Specialist/Area Educator will explore the “rules of thumb” often shared among ranchers. As he traveled around Wyoming and many other western states conducting workshops on economic ranch tools for producers, ranchers would share “rules of thumb” that they use to make decisions. Bridger started collecting those rules of thumb and writing them down. He says, “I received some good rules, some fun rules and some not-so-good rules.” Bridger uses the tools on the Wyoming Ranch Tools website, to analyze some of the rules of thumb a little more closely.
His presentation is humorous and informative and a great introduction to the economic decision making tools available to producers. Feuz recently received the University of Wyoming Extension’s highest honor for his ability to listen and respond to the contemporary challenges facing people trying to thrive in agriculture.
Please contact the Powder River Extension Office at 436-2424 for more information.
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