Commissioners Proceedings

November 16, 2018

A special meeting was held for the sole purpose of conducting the county canvass as follows:

As required by Sec. 13-15-401, MCA, Commissioners Darold Zimmer, Rod Schaffer and Donna Giacometto sat as the board of county canvassers to canvass the returns for the November 6, 2018, Federal General Election. Procedures for canvass of the votes as provided in Sec.13-15-404, MCA, were completed for each precinct and results certified as final. Complete canvass report is on file with results to be entered in permanent records of the county and submitted to the Montana Secretary of State’s office. The Election Administrator shall, except as provided in Sec. 13-37-127, MCA, deliver certificate of nomination to each individual declared elected by the board.

Acting on no other business, the board adjourned.

November 26, 2018

All commissioners were present for their meeting. Minutes were presented and approved. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.

Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, reported the filter for the new tv antenna on Home Creek tower has been sent to Don Kogele to work on the equipment. The courtyard lights on courthouse square have been repaired. Marty reported that the courthouse does not need to be lifted, though the sidewalk needs replaced due to tree root damage. The repairs to the new used stove/oven at the Manor have been completed by Brink Inc of Billings, MT.

Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder presented a quote for liquor liability for the golf course if they pursue purchasing a full liquor license. The quote is $1200.00.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, met with the board to report there was an semi-truck accident on the Powderville East Road. All blades are on the roads. Moisture and frost are making it difficult to crush. Teel’s payroll status was discussed.

Clinton Watters, landfill operator, brought in the methane monitor. Clinton reported the monitor will not work. Darold Zimmer will contact DOWL Engineering for assistance in replacing or repairing the monitor. The monitor is used to determine the amount of methane gas in the wells at the landfill for the Montana Department of Environmental Quality each quarter.

Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, did not attend the weekly meeting as she was at a training workshop.

Kristy Elgin, Physical Therapist, visited with the board to report the temporary physical therapist hired in July does not wish to remain on staff. The nursing home will advertise the position.

Compensation time and overtime was discussed for exempt/salaried employees. Powder River County Personnel Policy Manual states “Exempt/salaried employees do not receive comp time or overtime unless authorized. “The U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act for exempt employees was used as a research platform.

The board discussed the resolutions establishing advisory boards and board member by-laws.

Having completed all current business for the day and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.

November 30, 2018

All commissioners were present for their meeting. Minutes were presented and approved. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.

Casey Collins with Greg Gianforte’s office met with the commissioners to hear any concerns the board may have.

November claims were presented to the board for their review and approval.

The commissioner’s signed the amended Department of Public Health and Services contract for public health and emergency preparedness grant.

Harry and Dianna Goodwin, area ranchers visited with the commissioners regarding landfill and tv assessments.

At 4:00 PM the commissioners met with Noxious Weed Board members John Barbero, Phil VerWolf, Tim Fortner and Jerry Wilson. Tammy Van Tine, weed department employee and Mary Rumph, board secretary, were also present to discuss the weed employee’s duties and hours. Tammy would like to be an exempt salaried employee. Tammy would also like to work four 10-hour days. No decision was made at this time. Tim asked about reimbursement from the State for hours of spraying highway right-of-way. There has been no money received as of yet. Tim will visit with Todd Gardner of Gardner Weed and Pest who sprayed the right-of-ways. The weed department expenditure budget was discussed.

Having heard no public comment and having completed all current business, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.


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