October 29, 2018
Commissioners Darold Zimmer, Rod Schaffer, and Donna Giacometto were present for a regular meeting. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings. They read, approved and signed previous minutes.
Marty Drane, Building and Grounds Supervisor, met to report that putting tin on the inside of the indoor arena would cost approximately $9855.00 and to paint it would cost approximately $3335.00. It was decided to tin the walls and hire ceiling painting done. Marty will be getting another quote on courthouse window replacement today. Marty will also be investigating possible settling of the courthouse building.
Kathy Roberts was not present for a weekly meeting.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, reported that an inspector with Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) inspected the crusher site and found four minor infractions. One was a water bottle left in the loader. The Ridge Road was discussed. It was decided to put scoria on the road.
At 11:00 AM, Teel Mullanix; employees with Weeden Construction and Monte Weeden; Noxious Weed Board members John Barbero, Phil VerWolf, and Tim Fortner; Weed Board member ex-officio Mary Rumph; and Weed Supervisor Tammy Van Tine met concerning a gravel pit to be established to provide gravel on the Ranch Creek Road project. Weeden Construction would like to get gravel from a proposed site that has leafy spurge infestation. Weeden Construction has proposed several options to confine the spurge including applying heat to kill it, or use calcium chloride to kill the weed. There was also discussion of requiring a 10-year bond on the control of the noxious weed. Monte Weeden offered to stock pile the top one and one-half foot silt fence or hot plant to sterilize the ground and $20,000.00 upfront to fight any weeds. No decision was made at this time.
The commissioners agreed to send a letter of approval for the new “ACE Rule” replacing the current clean power plan.
Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, reported 25 residents calling the Manor home today. Cherie explained the direct care wage initiative to Donna.
Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder, presented a press release detailing the process for updating the County Growth and Land Use plan. The board approved the release. It will be published later this month.
The Noxious Weed Board met with the commissioners to discuss the Weeden gravel pit proposal. The weed board recommended that they not approve the plan. A decision will be made at a later date.
Darren Pluhar with Pluhar Flying Service met to discuss a contract for the use of the airport during the 2019 season. Darren suggested rather than paying a lease amount he would buy fuel from Powder River County. The board agreed to the suggestion. They will have Jeff Noble, County Attorney, look over the contract and renew for 2019-2020 season.
Commissioner Donna Giacometto reported to the board on her visit at Garfield County Healthcare Center on Friday, October 19, 2018.
Rod Schaffer left the meeting at 3:30 PM to do job interviews at the nursing home.
Donna left the meeting at 4:00 PM.
Meeting adjourned having heard no public comment on the days meeting and completing all current business.
October 31, 2018
All commissioners were present for the month-end meeting to review and approve claims and payroll for the month of September. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.
Cynde Gatlin, Clerk and Recorder elect, presented the five-year airport capital improvement plan for the commissioners to review and sign. She and the commissioners discussed tv and landfill assessment procedure and how much responsibility the commissioner’s office will have to change add/delete assessments for the new tax year due to the closing of our Revenue Office in February, 2019.
Tammy Van Tine, Weed Supervisor, with the weed board came in to explain the weed plan for gravel pits. The weed board has the authority to grant or deny access to pits.
Rod Schaffer contacted Stevenson Design to schedule an appointment with the commissioners to discuss the proposed Critical Access Hospital (CAH).
Rod reported he has found a used garbage truck to use at the landfill. The truck is in Miles City. He will have more details next week.
Rod and Donna left the meeting at 3:00 PM
Having completed all business and hearing no public comment the meeting was adjourned.
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