Spring Creek, Mizpah News

Residents on the Powder River and Spring Creek areas have been busy with fall work shipping and working with the cattle. The weather has been nice with a few days moved around for much needed rainfalls.

Helen Orestad has had lots of visitors at Hearts and Home. She appreciates very much everyone who takes time to stop by.

Spring Creek School students joined other rural schools at SY school for a Halloween party.

Tammy Pecha celebrated a birthday this week.

Halloween visitors at Hearts and Home included Tom and Lillian Ostendorf, Madonna Balsam, Jonette and Hunter Doeden, and Katherine, Robert and Michael Phipps, Boone Doeden, Jaeyden and Kayden.

Tom & Lillian Ostendorf and Mollie Phipps attended the 99th annual Farm Bureau convention in Billings.

Helen Orestad accompanied her family to church for Oktoberfest.

Kolette Balsam was in Miles City this weekend enjoying time with family.


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