Commissioners Proceedings

October 9, 2018

All board members were present for their meeting to conduct county business. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings. They read, approved and signed previous minutes.

Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, reported the pool has been winterized. The Home Creek TV tower change will happen on October 17, 2018. The new hire person will not be available until October 16, 2018.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, reported he found a tractor to mow. Options for gravel on Duncan Hill was discussed. It has been graveled two times since Teel started working for the county. It will take approximately 10 loads to improve the road, but they will keep throwing gravel on it. The company that is making and installing 9-1-1 signs will begin the end of October, 2018, depending on the weather. Teel is also working on gravel for 15 Mile Road. Being short on man power has put priorities behind.

At 10:00 AM the board and Teel interviewed an applicant for the road department position.

Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing was absent for her weekly meeting to report on her department.

In order to place the order for upgraded security cameras in the Sheriff’s Department, the company, DIS, Inc, requires 50% down on the cost of the project. County policy requires all work and equipment to be done before payment, and after discussion, the board unanimously agreed to make a one-time exception and make the down payment on the security cameras.

Having completed all current business for the day and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.

October 15, 2018

Commissioners Donna Giacometto, Darold Zimmer and Rod Schaffer were present for a regular meeting. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings. They read, approved and signed previous minutes.

Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, reported he has requested a quote on the courthouse window replacement. Associated Glass of Gillette, Wyoming, would replace existing windows by having windows opening on the ends of the window panel . Marty will present the quote to the board when it arrives. The tv antenna on Home Creek is too big to negotiate the road that is there. We will need to visit with the Forest Service to modify a corner. Marty has a new overhead controller for the big door at the MP Building. Rod asked Marty to check on the cost for painting the interior of the fair barn versus putting tin on the walls inside.

Teel was absent for his weekly meeting because of meeting a with Denbury about road conditions in the Belle Creek area.

Pat Phillippi, County Treasurer, presented the delinquent tax list to the commission and visited with the board about the credit card functions within the county.

Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder, reported that a planning board meeting will be held on October 22, 2018. We have been requested to gather information regarding cultural resources around cell towers in our county. Carole also discussed the amended travel policy and the record keeping her office will have to do. It was agreed that a form will have to be created so her office will know which “personal vehicle travel” has been approved by the commissioners.

Billy Stuver, Editor of the “Powder River Examiner”, visited with the board about the Boyes to Belle Creek Road.

Julie Riley and Mary Rumph, extension agents, met with the board to deliver their office report for September, 2018.

Julie Emmons, Southeast Montana Development Corp grant writer, called the board to set up a conference call tomorrow, October 16, 2018, with Scott Debork and Wayne Noam, Western Federal Highways, to get more information on the Ranch Creek FLAP grant program process.

Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, was absent for the weekly meeting report.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, reported the 9-1-1 signs have arrived.

The board called a meeting with clinic staff Jaci Phillips, Kerry Gardner and Vikki Klemm; County Health Nurse Darlynn Williams and Kristy Elgin, PT, to discuss proceeding with investigation of implementing a Critical Access Hospital (CAH). The commissioners relayed to the group what they had learned so far and they are going to proceed with gathering information. All in attendance agreed that a CAH is worth pursuing.

Having heard no public comment on the day’s meeting and completing all current business, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.

October 22, 2018

Commissioners Darold Zimmer, Rod Schaffer, and Donna Giacometto were present for a regular meeting. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings. They read, approved and signed previous minutes.

Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, met with the board to present the quote to replace all courthouse windows from Associated Glass of Gillette, Wyoming. Marty will continue to gather quotes. The new TV antenna on Home Creek is up after a lot of problems getting to the tower. They now have to reprogram the translators at Russell Hill and W Butte. The ball field sprinklers have been blown out for the winter. The lines were fragile because of age and some were damaged.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, reported the road crew helped get the TV antenna to Home Creek tower site. He also reported that the county and Denbury Onshore have hauled 40 loads of gravel on Duncan Creek. More gravel is needed.

Teel and Donna reported on the conference call on Tuesday, October 16 with Wayne Noem and Scott Debork to discuss the Federal Lands Access Program on the Ranch Creek Road. They discussed how to apply for a grant to finish the Ranch Creek Road from the end of the current project to the intersection of secondary 544 and the Belle Creek Road. Scott Debork is the BLM manager for this area.

At 10:00 AM, the commissioners received bids for fuel as per specifications. Term of the bid is from November 1, 2018, to October 31, 2019. Darold read the only bid submitted and is as follows:

Alderman Oil Company, Broadus, MT

Gasoline $2.65152

Diesel Dyed #2 $2.80094

Diesel Dyed #1 $3.04334

After discussion, Donna moved to accept the bid from Alderman Oil Company. Rod seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

At 10:15 AM, the commissioners received bids for propane as per specifications. Term of the bid is from November 1, 2018, to October 31, 2019. Darold read the only bid submitted and is as follows:

Alderman Oil Company, Broadus, MT Propane $1.1781

Donna moved to accept the bid from Alderman Oil Company. Rod seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

Nathan Schroht, airport engineer with Kadrmas Lee and Jackson, visited with the board about the airport five-year capital improvement plan. The runway has recently been repaved and the airport seems to be in good shape. He explained the cost for hangars and how to finance. All entities building hangars must follow FAA rules and regulations. A weather station was discussed. The cost would be approximately $160,000 to $170,000 with 10% local match. The FAA will help with maintenance for the first two years then it will be $5,000 to $7,000 per year for maintenance of the weather system. Private fuel tanks and weed chemical storage at the airport was also discussed. Nathan will e-mail a new five-year plan.

Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing was not in for her weekly report.

Tim Fortner, Chairman of the Noxious Weed Board, reported that the new weed coordinator, Tammy VanTine, has completed some grants. One grant has been approved. They also discussed spraying for landowners and hiring a seasonal employee.

The Clerk and Recorder’s office presented timesheets for September/October pay period for the commissioners to review and approve. The board noticed excessive overtime in several departments and will speak to the supervisors.

Kathy Roberts, Transportation Director, met with the board to report she is going to take the nursing home residents to the Harvest Luncheon on Election Day which is a county holiday so she is volunteering her time.

Pat Ridenour, Senior Center Director, asked about purchasing a leaf blower to clear the sidewalk in front of the Center. It was decided to have maintenance clean the sidewalks when winter arrives.

The commissioners discussed the progress and information received on the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) proposal. Donna and Cynde Gatlin, Clerk and Recorder elect, traveled on Thursday, October 18, 2018, to Forsyth, Montana, to tour their CAH facility. They also attended the Southeast Montana Development Corporation (SEMDC) meeting in Colstrip, Montana, where they learned the SEMDC is backing our opportunity to apply for the FLAP grant to extend the Ranch Creek Road project.

Having completed all current business and hearing no public on the day’s business, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.


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