Powder River Co. Sheriff’s Office
John Gable, Madison, WI, daytime speeding (89/70) $70.
Anthony Pillow, Chicago, IL, daytime truck speeding (80/60) $105.
Kaydin Trent, Broadus, MT, tobacco possession, $135.
Thomas Waller, Whitehouse Sta., NJ, daytime speeding (86/70) $70.
Dexter Buck Jr, Chinook, MT, daytime speeding (85/70) $70.
Dakota Holbrook, Biddle, MT, tobacco possession, $135.
Bruce Maze, Winfield, PA, improper passing, $85.
Larry Williams, Kingsland, AR, nighttime truck speeding (73/55) $105.
Ivan Chagovtsev, Grayslake, IL, nighttime truck speeding (66/55) $105.
Montana Highway Patrol
Gary Dawes Jr, Crow Agency, MT, aggravated DUI - 1st offense, dismissed by Co Atty, refiled in District Ct.
Carl Travelstead, Jeffersonville, IN, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.
Tessa Gibbons, Billings, MT, owner permitting oper. of veh. w/o insurance, dismissed by court- valid proof provided.
Russell Irion, Miles City, MT, seatbelt violation, $20.
Pamela Kincheloe, Huntley, MT, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.
Joseph Magelssen, Frenchtown, MT, daytime speeding (88/70) $70.
Avtar Singh, Moorpark, CA, nighttime truck speeding (75/55) $105.
Trenton Thorpe, Great Falls, MT, daytime speeding (85/70) $70.
Jose Rodriguez Garcia, Hialeah, FL, daytime truck speeding (70/60) $55.
Regina Topsky, Box Elder, MT, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.
Colten Weirather, Hot Springs, MT, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.
James Yelvington, Lakeland, FL, nighttime truck speeding (65/55) $55.
Yochabel Zink, San Diego, CA, daytime speeding (88/70) $70.
Samantha Dean, Rapid City, SD, daytime speeding (89/70) $70.
Mitchell Braegelmann, Dickinson, ND, daytime speeding (83/70) $70.
Manuelita Teeman, Rapid City, SD, daytime speeding (80/70) $20.
Manuelita Teeman, Rapid City, SD, fail to carry proof of insurance, dismissed by court- valid proof provided.
Rianne Bollinger, Miles City, MT, daytime speeding (79/70) $20.
Jason Hegge, Springfield, SD, daytime truck speeding (70/60) $55.
Duane Lafferty, Gettysburg, SD, driving w/o valid D/L, $235.
Montana Dept. GVW
Jay Adamson, Roundup, MT, fail to follow cond. of special permit, $135.
Sean Wheeler, Indianapolis, IN, driver smoking during inspection, $285.
Stephen Cooper, Greeley, CO, exceeding max gross wt allowed, $285.
Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Lee Richter, Conner, MT, fail to validate tag, $135.
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