Commissioners Proceedings

October 1, 2018

The Board of County Commissioners met to conduct county business at their first meeting of the month. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.

Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, reported the tv translator will be swapped out on October 17, 2018, at a cost of $6000.00. They will be digging a dry well at the library to relieve drainage issues.

Dave Atchison and Dave Anderson, representing Denbury Onshore LLC, met with the board to report rights-of-ways for the pipeline from Belle Creek to Baker, Montana, are complete. The project will begin June 15, 2019.

Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, did not meet with the board.

The commissioners met with Ryan Tooke, Dahl Memorial Hospital Administrator and Dale Deide, PA, to discuss emergency services in Powder River County. Discussion was held regarding establishing a Critical Access Hospital in the future.

Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, met with the board to report she is going to put the range and oven up for public auction. There are 25 residents currently calling the Manor home today.

Ron Hecker with Ashland Ranger District met with the board to visit about controlled burns they are planning. They have no plans for logging for approximately one year.

The board signed the contract with Great West Engineering to update Powder River County Growth Plan and Land Policy.

Commissioner Schaffer left the meeting to attend a Noxious Weed Board Meeting to discuss and hire a Weed Coordinator.

Having completed all current business for the day and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.

October 2, 2018

Commissioners Donna Giacometto, Rod Schaffer and Darold Zimmer were present for the second meeting of the month. Hearing no public comment on the agenda, the board proceeded to conduct county business.

At 9:00 AM, the County Safety meeting was held with Marty Drane, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor; Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor; Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator; and Kathy Roberts, Transportation Director present. Marty reported no injuries and is getting equipment ready for winter. Teel reported no injuries or incidents and asked all to be aware of excess traffic on county roads through hunting season. Cheri reported Victory Insurance is doing an in-service to train employees on how to prevent injuries. Kathy is waiting for a quote for winter tires for the transportation vehicles. The white van will be released from the program to the county in December or January.

Teel reported that the crew are blading and cleaning cattleguards.

The board and Teel did an interview for the road department position.

Shane Copps asked the commissioners to support the application for a 9-1-1 grant to add security to the sheriff’s department. The commissioners agreed and signed the application.

The board and Marty Drane did an interview for the buildings and grounds position.

Mary Rumph, Extension Agent, asked the commissioners what the next step was to hire a weed coordinator. She also asked for the minutes of the commissioner’s meetings from August 20 thru present.

Tim Fortner, Chairman of the Noxious Weed Board, was called regarding the weed coordinator meeting and new hire. Tammy Van Tine was hired for the position.

The commissioners signed the quote for camera upgrade in the sheriff’s department. Total cost of the upgrade is $20,606.00.

Having completed all current business and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 3:00 PM.


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