Commissioners Proceedings

September 24, 2018

Commissioners Rod Schaffer, Donna Giacometto and Darold Zimmer were present for a regular meeting. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings. They read, approved and signed previous minutes.

Donna and Darold reported on the Montana Association of Counties (MACo) conference they attended in Missoula on Monday through Thursday of last week. They reported receiving information on upcoming amendments and referendums approved by the MACo Board of Trustees, Montana Department of Transportation will be funded for secondary roads. Bids have been let on the Ranch Creek Road project.

Rod reported on the discussions he had with various departments on September 17, 2018.

Donna reported on the by-laws finalized by the Council on Aging Board at the Friday, September 21, 2018, meeting and will be presented to the commissioners at the November meeting.

The commissioner’s received a letter from Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) stating our junk vehicle retrieval yard had been inspected and we are in compliance with DEQ regulations.

The board received notice from Diane Stuver, library director that Nancy Sampson has resigned from the library board. Kathy Roberts has agreed to serve on the board in her place. The commission unanimously agreed to put Kathy on the board to fulfill Nancy’s term which ends June 30, 2021.

Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, was not available for her weekly meeting.

Sheriff Allen Drane met with the board to discuss the cameras in the sheriff’s department. They are no longer adequate. He will look into replacing the cameras and report back to the board.

Jeff Noble, County Attorney, will be working on an interlocal agreement with Pluhar Flying Service for use of the airport.

Pat Phillippi, County Treasurer, presented and discussed an interlocal agreement between the State Motor Vehicle Division and the County. After discussion, the commission did not sign the agreement at this time.

Having completed all current business for the day and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.

September 28, 2018

All commissioners were present for the month-end meeting to review and approve claims and payroll for the month of September. Hearing no public comment on the day’s agenda, the board addressed routine business items before scheduled department meetings.

While reviewing claims, the board noticed an extraordinary amount paid for travel in September. In an effort to reduce that expense, the commissioner’s discussed urging county employees to use the county vehicle for county work travel is available and applicable. After consulting with Montana Association of Counties Attorney, Rod moved to add a travel policy stating employees shall use county vehicles for work related travel whenever possible. With preapproval, employees may use their personal vehicles for county business when the commissioners determine it is in the best interest of the county. Employees who are operating their personal vehicles during the course of employment and receiving mileage reimbursement must have liability insurance and provide evidence of such to the county. Donna seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. A memo will be sent to all employees.

Pat Phillippi, County Treasurer, discussed the credit card program receiving process to the board and how it will work. The clinic, nursing home physical therapy department, and treasurer’s office will soon be accepting credit/debit cards for payments.

Sheriff Allen Drane asked about the purchase of cameras in sheriff’s department budget. The commissioners assured the Sheriff there will be funds available.

Great West Engineering sent several samples of growth plans for the commissioners to determine how they want Powder River County’s plan to look. They examined plans from Meager County, and the Cities of Forsyth and Roundup. Great West will be meeting with the commissioners in October, 2018, to decide on their plan.

Having completed all current business and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.


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