Powder River Historical Society to Honor Volunteers

Museum volunteers will be honored on Friday, September 21st at 3 p.m. at the museum. As our brochure states: “Everything in this museum has been donated. Volunteers have done most of the work and make it possible to have the doors open by giving a morning or afternoon each week for the summer months.”

Around 25 folks have spent time at the museum this summer greeting visitors and guiding them through our wonderful collection. They have answered sometimes interesting questions - “What is a butte? Are the people here ranchers or range riders or cowboys?”

We couldn’t manage without our volunteers! Although the museum is officially closed for the season, someone is nearly always available to take visitors through the museum. Contact names and phone numbers are on the door. We are looking forward to the Christmas Stroll and we will draw the winning raffle ticket for our beautiful log cabin quilt sewn by members of the Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club that evening!

Join us this Friday to honor the volunteers. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome.


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