Elementary News

BIKE SAFETY is Monday, September 17th to September 28 during PE. All students K-6 bring bicycles to school by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH. Bring your own helmet. If you don’t have one, Mr. Coulter will provide one. All BIKES and HELMETS must have a NAME TAG. Please go over the rules sent home with your student last Monday. All bikes must be ready to ride on the street in traffic - tires stay up, brakes work, chain is reliable. Bikes should be picked up on Friday, September 28th, OR Saturday, September 29th if your child is riding in the Homecoming Parade. (Kindergarten students MUST have a PARENT riding with them in the parade.) Thank you for your support of this excellent lifetime activity!

NEW THIS YEAR - To ensure safety, we need a parent supervisor for each class, K-3 that rides off campus. If you are willing call Tracie at 436-2637 and she will provide specific days and times. Thank you for supporting Bike Safety!

PLEASE GO OVER THESE RULES WITH YOUR STUDENT: 1. Bicycles ride on the right like cars. 2. Walk the bike on sidewalks and intersections. 3. Bikes go in the bike rack (not on the ground). 4. Always wear a helmet. 5. Check tires, chain, reflectors, brakes and seat. 6. Students must have bikes ready to ride and must follow directions to be safe or they will stay in classrooms. 7. Wear shoes, not sandals, to ride bikes and to PE. Safety first!

Hardin Dental – Will be here Sept. 24th. Please make sure you send your consent form by September 14th. All children will be checked – the consent form allows your student to receive the free sealants, fluoride vitamins, and temporary fillings. If you do NOT want your child to see the dentist and receive these free services, please be sure to send the OPT OUT portion of the form. Contact Tracie with questions.


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