July 16, 2018
All commissioners were present for a regular meeting, and began the day reading current mail, reading and approving minutes and reviewing any other necessary information regarding transfer of assets and employee forms.
No public comment was heard on the day’s agenda.
Rich Biesheuvel, acting Building and Grounds Supervisor, reported they have county facility grounds mowed up. The clinic will be out of power because Tongue River Electric will be replacing a pole and getting ready for the installation of the generator at the school. It was decided to get the nursing home landscaping ready to plant but to wait until fall to actually plant the lawn.
Kathy Roberts, Transportation Director, reported weeds still need trimming/sprayed at the transportation facility. Both vans on order should be delivered in the 2018-19 fiscal year. She will be advertising for a part-time employee.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, reported on the crusher and, they are moving to a new pit. Montana Department of Transportation has asked about parking oversized loads across from the county yards. All agreed it would be ok.
Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder, presented information for Commissioner District 3 meeting to be held in Broadus in August. Cynde Jo Gatlin, Deputy Clerk and Carole discussed the audit report received from Ross Stalcup, auditor, with the commission.
Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, reported 28 residents living at the Manor. Cherie brought in a proposal for a “panic button” system from Interstate Alarm. Estimated cost is $1200.00 for installation and $27.00 per month.
Tim Fortner, Noxious Weed Board member, met with the board to present a time sheet for the weed employee.
Ross Stalcup, auditor, met with the board for the exit interview report on the county audit. Ross discovered an accumulated depreciation amount that was not carried forward to the audit year and an overpayment from the county school transportation to the high school transportation fund. Ross advised the board to be aware that oil and gas revenue will not be here forever and to budget accordingly. The county uses oil and gas revenue to offset tax dollars in the larger funds such as All-Purpose and the Nursing Home yearly.
The remainder of the day was spent working on budgets.
Having completed all current business and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.
July 23, 2018
All commissioners were present to conduct business for the county today.
Rich Biesheuvel, acting Building and Grounds Supervisor, reported the cement work on the north side of the courthouse and the sidewalk at the library will be completed soon.
Teel Mullanix, Road Supervisor, presented the five-year Schedule A contract with the Forest Service for road maintenance. Teel will gather signatures for the contract. The purchase of a used garbage truck for the landfill was discussed and authorized.
Carole Richards, Clerk and Recorder, presented a new agenda for the monthly County Safety Committee. They discussed the importance of conducting an organized meeting with consistent information provided from the members. County Safety Meetings are held to deter any events that may result in liability actions. The new agenda will be used at the next meeting to be held on August 7, 2018, at 9:00 AM.
Penny Zimmerman, liaison from Senator Jon Tester’s office, met with the board to discuss various issues the commissioners may have concerns about. She reported the folks in Washington, DC, are working on the PILT payments this week.
Cherie Stachey, Nursing Home Administrator/Director of Nursing, met with the board to report 28 residents at the Manor.
Jaci Phillips, Family Nurse Practitioner at the Clinic, visited with the board regarding the clinic salary budget. The need for an in-office laboratory tester to do some blood testing was discussed. The tests now are sent out of house and some would still have to be sent out if they purchased the tester. Discussion on the clinic and nursing home working together on the testing was mentioned but it was suggested it probably would jeopardize the services we receive now. The commissioners will not authorize the purchase of the tester for $15,000.00. The ambulance service was discussed. The Health Board will meet to discuss more.
Having completed all business and hearing no public comment, the board adjourned at 5:00 PM.
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