Calling all Quilters: New Twist at 2018 Quilt Show

The Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club is busy finalizing plans for our 32nd Quilt Show to be held on Saturday, September 15, 2018. The show will again be held at the Broadus Community Center from 10 AM to 4 PM. A new feature this year, which we are really excited about, is we are inviting quilters to purchase vendor tables to sell their quilted items. Our show will now be interactive! Not only will the public be able to view gorgeous quilts, but now you will also be able to purchase some of these treasures! So come on all you quilters and finish up those projects you’ve been working on for the fair and then bring them to town again to sell at the show. We invite everyone to join us for a fun day of ‘Quilt Gazing’, Door Prizes, Games and Refreshments.

There will be four categories for your items this year. They are: Large Quilts (any style of quilting, 75”x85” or larger), Throw Size (any style quilting also), Baby Quilts (size and color suitable for a baby), and Home Dec (includes Wallhangings and Table Toppers). If you plan to bring multiple Large quilts, we do ask, due to limited hanging space, that you designate one to be hung with the remainder to be displayed on tables. If wall space allows, we will hang additional quilts.

Voting will be by Peoples’ choice, with awards for the three top choices in each category. The Overall Peoples’ Choice is the Large Quilt that garners the most votes. Votes will be counted at 3 PM, with awards presented shortly thereafter. Photos will also be taken of winners at that time.

Hanging quilts and quilted articles will be Friday, September 14th at 1 PM. Please have you items at the Community Center before 1 PM on Friday to be sure they are in the correct category and hung for all to view. You may also drop them at the Extension Office any time prior to Friday and we will collect them there. There is no charge for entering you quilted items in our show. We do charge a door fee of $3.00 per person to defray costs of the show. For anyone wanting to rent a vendor table for the sale of quilted and quilt-related items the charge will be $25.00. For more information, contact Cathy Ruland at 406-436-2713 or Pat Ridenour at 406-436-2416 (evenings or leave a message).

Please join us to see all the beautiful work done by very creative people in our area and beyond.


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