Comprehensive Range and Weed Tour Scheduled for July 18th

The Powderville Hall will be the convening site for the annual Noxious Weed and Range Tour sponsored by Powder River Extension, according to Extension Agent Mary Rumph. The tour will take place on Wednesday, July 18th, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Private and commercial recertification applicator points have been applied for, according to Rumph.

The tour will include The Role of Biocontrol in Noxious Weed Control by

Melissa Maggio, MT Biocontrol Project Coordinator. Maggio will be discussing releasing, monitoring, and collecting biological weed control agents of leafy spurge, while demonstrating all of the associated tools. Maggio provides the leadership and coordination that enables land managers in the state of Montana to successfully incorporate biological weed control as part of their noxious weed management program.

Native and Introduced Plants in Eastern Montana by Kim Gibbs, Miles City Community College, Agriculture Instructor. Kim will be discussion native and invasive plants that we commonly see in eastern Montana rangelands. She will cover plant ID and tools and resources available for identifying plants. Gibbs has worked as an Agriculture Instructor at Miles Community College in Miles City for 6 years. Gibbs received her bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University and her Masters from Montana State in Range Management. Grazing Systems and Using Grazing to Manage Weeds by Kevin Sedivec, NDSD Extension Rangeland Management Specialist. Ranchers can implement new land management strategies designed to increase grazing efficiencies while decreasing overgrazing, increasing the profitability of the livestock producer while providing positive stewardship to the land. These grazing management strategies will improve biotic diversity, wildlife habitat and water quality at a landscape level and decrease weeds. Sedivec will share tips for producers looking to maintain the quality of their pastures given last year's dry conditions and the likelihood that even an average year won't be enough to catch up.

Sedivec is the NDSD Extension Rangeland Management Specialist, Range Professor and interim Director of the Central Grassland Research and Extension Center. Dr. Sedivec Has a B.S. in Wildlife Management, and M.S. and Ph.D. In Animal Science and Range Science.

Please contact the Powder River Extension Office at 436-2424 for additional information.


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