ranch & farm

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  • Grasshopper suppression program initiated

    Nov 19, 2020

    By PR Extension Office The 2021 Rangeland Grasshopper Hazard map based on adult surveys last summer has all of Powder River County in the red zone, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. "That means that 15 or more adult grasshoppers per square yard were counted in late July and early August," said Rumph. "Based on the assumption that the adult's laid eggs prior to dying or departure, the outlook for summer of 2021 is grim." The map is available on the Powder River Extension websi...

  • USDA to Open Signup for the Conservation Reserve Program in Early 2021

    Nov 19, 2020

    BOZEMAN, Montana, Nov. 12, 2020 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the 2021 signup periods for general Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and CRP Grasslands offers. General signup for CRP will be open from January 4, 2021 to February 12, 2021; signup for CRP Grasslands runs from March 15, 2021 to April 23, 2021. Both programs are competitive and provide annual rental payments for land devoted to conservation purposes....

  • Transferring the Ranch to the Next Generation is Challenging

    Nov 12, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office As the average age of ranchers and farmers across the nation increases, the same is happening in Montana and Powder River County. “According to the 2017 Ag Statistics, nearly a third of the operators in our county are older than 64 years of age,” said Mary Rumph MSU Extension Agent. In addition, there are several family operations that involve multiple generations. “When the goal is to transfer land, business and control from one generation to the next, it can be overwhelming,” said Rumph. According to Marsha Go...

  • High Grasshopper Populations Predicted for 2021

    Sep 24, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office After dealing with drought and a severe grasshopper infestation throughout much of Powder River County this summer, landowners have expressed interest in controlling grasshoppers earlier in the summer next year, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. "At landowner request, I scheduled grasshopper control programs in Broadus and Stacey last week," said Rumph. Representatives from Montana and Wyoming APHIS shared the nuts and bolts of the grasshopper c...

  • USDA Designates PR County as a Primary Natural Disaster Area

    Sep 17, 2020

    Emergency Support to Producers in Surrounding Counties/ Border State Also Available WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2020 — Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue designated Powder River County, Montana, as a primary natural disaster area. Producers who suffered losses due to recent drought may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans....

  • Field Sandbur, Buffalobur & Puncturevine

    Sep 17, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office Now is a good time to control some of the late summer and early fall weeds, several of which are very prickly, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. “Field sandbur seeds stick to everything…shoe laces, socks, wool, and fur,” commented Rumph, “and it hurts your fingers when you detach them unless wearing gloves,” she added. The plant is a warm season, grassy annual weed, reproducing by seed. The plant grows 8 inches to 3 feet tall, occasionally erect, but usually spreading horizontally and forming...

  • USDA Offers Disaster Assistance to Montana Farmers and Livestock Producers Impacted by Wildfires

    Sep 17, 2020

    BOZEMAN, Montana, Sept. 14, 2020 – Montana agricultural operations have been significantly impacted by the wildfires, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has technical and financial assistance available to help farmers and livestock producers recover. As agricultural producers move into recovery mode and assess damages, they should contact their local USDA Service Center to report losses and learn more about program options available to assist in their recovery from crop, land, infrastructure and livestock losses and d...

  • Curlycup Gumweed Prevalent this Year

    Sep 11, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office Curlycup gumweed, also known as rosinweed, has been plentiful in late summer, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. It is more prevalent most likely due to the drier conditions we experienced this summer. The native, warm season plant is described as an annual, biennial, or perennial and is an erect, tall forb, growing 1 to 3 feet tall, with 1 to several branched stems. It grows from a taproot, branching above. It starts growth in early spring, but really isn’t usually noticed until it flowers in...

  • Grasshoppers Next Year? Let's be Prepared!

    Sep 3, 2020

    By PR Extension Office Many landowners in Powder River county had devastating grasshopper infestations this summer. Unfortunately, many of the grasshoppers have already or will lay eggs in the next few weeks, leading to a potential outbreak again next year. Early planning, organization, and survey is critical to preventing the damage grasshoppers can inflict. A series of grasshopper control meetings are scheduled for Southeastern Montana on September 15th and 16th, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. The meetings will f...

  • Beef Marketing School Coming Up In November

    Sep 3, 2020

    By PR Extension Office As an ag producer, have you ever wondered about marketing your beef, lamb, or pork products directly to the consumer? In November, there is a great opportunity to learn how to do just that from the comfort of your own home explained, Mary Rumph, MSU Extension Agent. The Western Meat School, a six-week course, begins Wednesday evening, November 4th. The course will cover key topics in production, processing and marketing to produce high-quality meat and then sell it to diverse market channels. It is not a processing or b...

  • Deadline Approaching for USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

    FSA|Sep 3, 2020

    Application Deadline is Sept. 11 WASHINGTON, Aug. 28, 2020 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds farmers and ranchers that the deadline to apply for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) is Sept. 11, 2020. This program provides direct relief to producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19....

  • Dept. of Livestock Asks Montanans to Remember Swine Import Requirements

    Aug 27, 2020

    Helena, Mont. – The Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) is asking Montanans to follow all animal import requirements to help protect the health of the state’s livestock industries. Recent packing plant closures throughout the country have resulted in a backup of pigs going to feeding and slaughter. Many farmers, especially in Midwest states, continue to seek new outlets for their animals. This has resulted in an influx of pigs coming to Montana for feeding and harvest. Washington state recently announced its first case of Porcine Rep...

  • USDA Stands Up New Team to Better Serve Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Montana

    Aug 27, 2020

    BOZEMAN, Mont., August 19, 2020 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is standing up a new team that will lead a department-wide effort focused on serving beginning farmers and ranchers. To institutionalize support for beginning farmers and ranchers and to build upon prior agency work, the 2018 Farm Bill directed USDA to create a national coordinator position in the agency and state-level coordinators for four of its agencies – Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Risk Management Agency (RMA), and Rur...

  • USDA Allows Emergency Haying and Grazing on Conservation Reserve Program Acres in PR County

    Aug 6, 2020

    July 31, 2020 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director Mike Riley today announced that Powder River County is authorized for emergency haying and grazing use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres outside of the Primary Nesting Season. Emergency haying (one cutting only) must be completed by September 13, 2020; and emergency grazing must be completed by November 2, 2020. "Producers who are interested in emergency haying or grazing of CRP acres must request FSA county office approval before s...

  • BLM seeks comments on Pumpkin Creek grazing EA

    Jul 9, 2020

    (MILES CITY, Mont.) – The BLM Miles City Field Office is accepting public comments on a preliminary environmental assessment which describes options for grazing on the Pumpkin Creek Allotment, located about 15 miles south of Miles City. Deadline for comments is Aug. 4. The BLM will select a grazing alternative which will be detailed in a Proposed Decision after considering comments. The Miles City Field Office anticipates that the decision to implement the selected alternative will take place before Dec. 1, 2020. More information, relevant d...

  • Forage Seeding Crop Insurance Deadline Nears

    Jul 9, 2020

    Courtesy USDA USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds producers in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming that for the 2021 crop year a Fall Seeded Practice has been added for: 1) Irrigated Alfalfa Forage Seeding in all Montana and Wyoming counties; and 2) for Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Alfalfa Forage Seeding in all North Dakota and South Dakota counties. The Forage Seeding crop insurance policy insures newly established forage stands during the initial crop year of establishment. The final date to purchase or make changes to F...

  • Nitrate Testing Available for Forages

    Jul 2, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office The lack of moisture throughout the majority of Powder River County has resulted in early harvest of small grains for forage, according to Extension Agent Mary Rumph. “Many producers are trying to make hay before the crop either burns up or is eaten up by grasshoppers,” commented Rumph. High levels of nitrates in cereal grain are often present under drought conditions. The roots of growing plants will continue to take in nitrate nitrogen; however, normal plant metabolism which convert nitrate to protein is disru...

  • High Numbers of Blister Beetles Reported

    Jul 2, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office Blister beetle infestations are being reported throughout the county, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. “It is not surprising to see a large number this year,” said Rumph. “Blister beetles feed on grasshopper eggs, which is helpful, however, they also eat desirable vegetation. In addition, the beetle produces a toxin called cantharidin, a blister-causing substance,” added Rumph. Blister beetles are infrequent pests of several crops including alfalfa, sweet clover, potatoes, beans, and sugar bee...

  • FSA County Committee

    Jun 18, 2020

    Nominations Opened June 15 WASHINGTON, June 10, 2020 – USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) began accepting nominations for county committee members on Monday, June 15, 2020. Elections will occur in certain Local Administrative Areas (LAA) for these members who make important decisions about how federal farm programs are administered locally. All nomination forms for the 2020 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 1, 2020. Call the Broadus FSA at 436-2321 to complete a nomination....

  • Alfalfa Weevil is Present

    Jun 4, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office A chronic problem for many producers is the alfalfa weevil, a key insect pest of alfalfa, causing variable levels of economic damage across Montana each growing season according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. “I started monitoring fields last week” reported Rumph, “and ended up collecting a few larvae. This week, the number increased to 25 larvae per ten sweeps, said Rumph. There was no evident damage to the forage.” “So, weevil is present, and growing in numbers in the fields I swept,” said Rumph. “I e...

  • State Officials Encourage Safe Handling Of Live Poultry

    Jun 4, 2020

    Courtesy MT DPHHS Raising backyard poultry has become an increasingly popular activity in Montana. Spring is a common season to purchase and begin raising young birds, and there are many feed stores in Montana that sell chicks and ducks. While there are benefits to raising poultry, there are also associated health risks. Poultry can carry and shed bacteria such as Salmonella without showing any signs of disease. Salmonella can cause illness in humans and can be spread while handling live poultry or objects in their environment. Montana has a...

  • Montana's Conservation Districts and the Stream Permitting Process

    May 29, 2020

    By Liz Riter, NRCS Broadus Healthy rivers and streams are important to Montanans for their lives and livelihoods: providing fisheries, clean water, recreation and aesthetics, agriculture and livestock production, as well as municipal water supply. Streams and rivers are also a complicated resource issue and one of the ways to protect their health is through the 310 permitting process. By definition, a 310 Permit is needed by any private, non-governmental, individual, or entity activity that p...

  • MT Farmers and Ranchers May Now Apply for Financial Assistance through USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

    May 29, 2020

    Contributed by Mike Riley, Broadus FSA Office (Ed: This new program may apply to producers of cattle, hogs, and sheep, as well as certain farmed crops.) Agricultural producers can now apply for USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), which provides direct payments to offset impacts from the coronavirus pandemic. The application and a payment calculator are now available online, and USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) staff members are available via phone, fax and online tools to help producers complete applications. The agency set up a...

  • Bulbous Bluegrass Spreading

    May 29, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office “Bulbous bluegrass is spreading everywhere,” stated Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. Rumph described the invader as a thin stemmed, wiry grass that cures early and is often found in areas vegetated by downy brome. “Bulbous bluegrass is displacing crested wheatgrass and even native grasses,” said Rumph. “I noticed it in two to three feet continuous corridors along the highway and in large areas in pasture lands. It forms a monoculture and is recognizable by large brown patches in both native and tame pastur...

  • Be on the Lookout for Grasshoppers

    May 21, 2020

    Courtesy PR Extension Office Grasshoppers are common pests in Montana particularly in the central and eastern regions. Based on high populations late last summer, the prediction for Powder River County is for high numbers of grasshoppers, according to Powder River Extension Agent Mary Rumph. “These numbers are based on adult grasshopper counts completed by APHIS last summer,” added Rumph. “A couple factors could impact the size of an infestation, including the number of eggs laid last fall and weather conditions this spring and summer,...

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