Sorted by date Results 476 - 500 of 3480
Ric Holden, US House Congressional candidate for Montana's Eastern Congressional District, talked to us recently about his candidacy. Holden served as a State Senator representing Southeastern Montana from 1994 to 2002. After being term-limited out in the Senate, Holden returned to his ranch, along the Yellowstone River between Terry and Glendive. There he took a clean break from politics and political insiders, as he described the return to ranch life with his wife, Jan. Holden, age 62, said...
GVW Damion Robinson, Kathleen, GA., exceeding 75 feet maximum length of combination of vehicles, $85. Jay Cretecio, Estevan, SN., driver failing to use seatbelt, $60. Trent Kelsey, Fayetteville, TN., failure to follow conditions of special permit, $135. Albert Waer, Jr., Murrietta, GA.failure to follow conditions of special permit, $135. Adewale Akande, Orlando, FL. Co CDL for type of vehicle being operated, $135. Justin Riddle,Billings, MT. driver failing to use seatbelt, $60. Daniel Wipf 2nd., Lake Benton MN., load not secured, $135. James...
January 18, 1924 Coal Mine Cave-In near Miles has Fatal Ending At the Paddy Creek Lignite coal mine, nine miles south of Miles City, about 3 o’clock Saturday afternoon, Ed Kendall was instantly killed when a large section of the roof fell without warning. Ed Kregness, his companion, escaped the fall of earth by merely a few inches and was unharmed. The cave in occurred about 300 yards underground. Kregness and Perry Bailey, who has a mine nearby, extricated the body that was badly crushed and removed it to the dugout where the man had been l...
Since early December we have seen an increase in viral infection in Powder River County. A definitive number is hard to provide. However, since early December we have had a confirmed 25 individuals positive for COVID, and 1 positive individual for Influenza in the area. There is a significant amount of illness, both respiratory and gastrointestinal illness, that is not being tested, reported, or if tested is not confirmed COVID or Influenza. Due to the high numbers of illness; the school, healthcare and businesses have seen its effect. School...
The following is the Broadus Town Council minutes from the January 2nd meeting, in which the council discusses changes to the water and dump rates, which if enacted would show up on resident's bill they receive at the beginning of March. Regular Council Meeting January 2, 2024 In Attendance: Mayor Chad Gatlin; Councilperson Raevyn Slovek; Councilperson Wanda Smith; Councilperson Lori Turnbough; Councilperson Cody Morris; Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris Mayor Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Following the pledge of allegiance council...
The word "remount" as a modern word is a verb, meaning "to get back on [something] and ride it again." But if the term was heard during any period before the 1950's, another meaning would likely be applied. This version of "remount," a noun, referred specifically to military horses and their replacements, usually during times of war. The provisioning of military horses in the Western United States, particularly Eastern Montana, has a rich, colorful history that has been well documented. Many...
January 11, 1924 “Moonshine” Mash Soaks in Galvanized Tub According to reports, somewhere in this County there is a distillery where the mash is going through its process of fermentation in a common galvanized iron wash tub, instead of a copper receptacle. The poison that is generated from the mash with this treatment together with the fuel oil that is nearly always present, is certain to make someone sick when the stuff is bottled and peddled at public dances. Statements show local Banks in fine condition The statements of both local ban...
Sheriff's Department Brandon Santillan, Belgrade, MT, speeding in a restricted zone, (80/65), $85 Brandon Santillan, Belgrade, MT, operating a motor vehicle not properly registered, $85 Rick Roth, Billings, MT, speeding in a restricted zone, (85/65), $85 Dwayne Kowaliuk, Littleton, CO, improper passing, $85 Abigail Heacock, Broadus, MT, ROW violation, $85 Alexander Fuetter, Ottawa, OH, speeding in a restricted zone, (50/30), $85 Miya Cobb, Columbus, OH, speeding in a restricted zone, (85/65) $85 Dorion Mitchell, Bakersfield, CA, speeding in a...
Letter to Editor: Remembering ... many years ago the Broadus outdoor school outdoor bell would sound the morning alert for kids to show up in time for roll call. Anybody remember what year the old school bell was retired? Loren Williams San Antonio, TX...
The following is a list of expenses from the county departments, as submitted by the Clerk & Recorder’s office and approved to be paid by the PR County Commissioners for the month of November, 2023. Alderman Oil Co. $4,422.13 Allbridge $838.79 Lee Randall $948.00 Nice $417.44 Powder River Examiner $996.55 Range $517.42 Range Telephone Cooperative $3,092.59 Tebra Technologies Inc $398.00 Town Of Broadus $2,279.00 Wilhelm Land Surveying $600.00 Action For Eastern Montana $2,132.00 Addco Office Systems $181.70 Alderman Oil Co. $5,456.65 Alderman's...
by Henry A. Malley Memorial Library Librarian Barb Mitchell We are happy to still have Lana Smith’s artwork on display. Make sure you go back and admire it when you stop in! We still have the MiFi hotspots available to check out for our patrons. It is a free resource for those who need it. We are starting the New Year off with a new book challenge- Read a book with a red cover, stop in, put your name and the name of the book on a slip of paper and you could have a chance to win a gift card from a local business. Our most recent additions are ...
7 marked a wetter than average year for Broadus, though the same story was not true throughout the area. The first months of 2023 had near normal totals through April, then a fairly dry April and May, transitioning to a June and July which saw ranchers struggling to put up hay in a timely manner due to all the rain. Fall precip stayed around average, and the last major shot of moisture came via snowstorm just before Halloween, with November and December being very dry (Broadus received only...
By Pamela Ash Independent Press The first meeting of the Safety Task Force was held on Tuesday in Forsyth to begin work on the safety action plan for US Highway 212 Corridor from Crow Agency to Alzada. US Highway 212 corridor between Crow Agency at the 1-90 Junction and Alzada at the Wyoming state line has a high number of crashes and fatalities. The route has been identified as having safety issues, partly due to the high percentage of truck traffic on this...
Monday, December 4, 2023 Commissioner Chair Lee Randall called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s office, Powder River County Courthouse. Commissioners Lori Fortner and John Olson were present. Commissioners reviewed and approved the consent agenda. The board reviewed the 2023 tax rolls to reevaluate the solid waste fees. No changes were made. Hattie Arithson, County Treasurer, met with the commissioners to discuss the school mill levy lawsuit between the State of Montana and counties. The commissioners also discussed with...
By Pat Ridenour Once again it’s time to grab a new calendar and start penciling in dates for appointments and meetings for the new year-2024. I hope all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stitch and Chatter Quilt Club will have their first meeting of 2024 on Tuesday, January 9th at 1:30 at the Court House Election Room. We welcome anyone interested in quilting to join us. Our meeting dates throughout the year are the first and fourth Tuesdays of the month. At this January 9th meeting we will be setting a yearly schedule and finding o...
By Senior Center Director Tammy Jackman Can you believe this weather we are having as we are about to roll into another new year? I personally am loving it. I need to take a moment before I get into our January article too much to thank some people who have helped out immensely here at the center since my surgery on Halloween. My family was a huge help throughout the weeks of not being able to pick up or move anything heavier than a milk jug. Thanks to Bonnie and Dennis for vacuuming/ mopping the center every week, setting up tables/chairs...
John and Jennifer Olson of Broadus welcomed daughter Emma Ann Olson into their lives at 11:30 PM on December 13th, 2023. Emma was born in Miles City, and weight 8 lbs 3 oz, was measured 20" in length at birth. Her grandparents include Grant & Mary Olson of Biddle, and Doug & Shelley Esp of Big Timber. Emma has one older sister, Mariah, age 2....
Annual subscription cost is $38 in county, $39 out of county, and $40 out of state. Please mail checks to: Powder River Examiner, PO Box 328, Broadus, MT 59317. We will also mail an invoice as a reminder. Feel free to drop payments in the payment box on our front door, located across the street to the west of the courthouse square. Another option for renewal is online, at www.powderriverexaminer .com. Don’t forget about our online edition, free for all print subscribers. Click “Free Trial” on the blue bar at the top of the page, fill out the i...
By PR Extension Office Teen 4-Hers are the best when it comes to creating a fun time for young people. This year, the 4-H Mini-Congress event was organized by a record number of fifteen Teen 4-Hers for an equally impressive number of participants, forty-seven youth in grades 3rd through 7th, who enjoyed being with friends and having fun. "The teens are the key for a positive and welcoming experience," commented MSU Powder River Extension Agent Julie Riley. "Their enthusiasm, leadership and o...
January 4, 1924 33 Below the Coldest Here Thirty-three degrees below zero on Monday night was the coldest of the week, according to A.W. Heidel, local weather observer. On December 29th the minimum and maximum were 5 and 27 below; on the 30th 5 and 15 below; on the 31st 7 and 29 below; on January 1st 7 and 32 below; on the 2nd 10 above and 24 below. Yesterday afternoon there was a slight moderation with the temperature about 30 above but it remains to be seen whether the cold wave has passed. At Broadus the snow is about an inch deep. January 7...
Sheriff’s Department Dale Davis, Fort Mill SC., daytime speeding, (88/70), $70 Gabriel Silbey, Billings, MT., speeding in restricted zone, (81/65), $85 David Asate, Bozeman, MT., speeding in restricted zone, (82/65), $85 Nathaniel Blackwater, Teec Nos Pos, AZ., speeding in restricted zone, (80/65), $65 David Garreffa, Walkerton, IN., speeding in restricted zone, (80/65), $65 William Hughes, Shelton, WA., speeding in restricted zone (81/65), $85 David Majia, Little Rock, AR speeding in restricted zone, (85/65), $85 David Majia, Little Rock, A...
FAITH BIBLE CHURCH To Enable Believers/To Build Relationships/To Win the Lost Live Streaming of Worship Services available through our web page! No January Schedule Received. BROADUS ASSEMBLY OF GOD (406) 436-2114 Sunday services: 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship Service Wednesdays: Soup and sandwiches 6 PM, Bible Study 6:30 OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA January 7: 11:00 worship with Holy Communion. Pitch in Dinner. January 9: 5:30 Church Council. January 14: 11:00 worship. Fellowship January 21: 10:00 Sunday S...
Regular Council Meeting December 5, 2023 @ 6:00 pm In Attendance: Mayor Chad Gatlin, Public Works Cassidy Zimmer, Public Works Raymond Ragsdale, Councilperson Wanda Smith, Councilperson Cody Morris, Councilperson Lori Turnbough, Councilperson Raevyn Slovek, Clerk/Treasurer Josie Morris Guests: Bobbie Shular and Billy Stuver Mayor Chad Gatlin called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Following the pledge of allegiance council reviewed the previous minutes. Councilperson Morris made a motion to approve previous minutes, councilperson Slovek second...
Billings, Mont.-Visit Southeast Montana tourism is inviting people to become "Burger Bosses" by following the Southeast Montana Burger Trail, which spotlights burgers from local restaurants in the region for visitors and residents looking for an authentic taste of Montana. Through a new mobile passport, Visit Southeast Montana is gamifying the Burger Trail to encourage visitation to rural communities and bring together two of Montana's top industries: agriculture and tourism. By downloading the...
Sheriff's Department Jose Gomez Rodriguez, Hialeah, FL., failure to stop school bus, $135. Neri Vazquex, Kent, WA., driving without valid driver's license, never possessed, $535. Neri Vazquez, Kent, WA., speeding in a restricted zone, (80/65) $65. Raymond Ernst, Baden, PA., speeding in a restricted zone, (50/35), $85. Valerie McKean, Spearfish, SD., speeding in a restricted zone, (40/25), $65. Anthony Bentley, Savannah, GA., speeding in a restricted zone, (55/30), $95. Tremaine Graham, Philadelphia, PA., careless driving, $85. Tremaine Graham,...